Ok, I'd like to give GW a shot since I've been massively disappointed by the PvP in WoW (2 hour waits for a Battle Ground ftw!) but I dont have much time left before I deploy for Iraq (about 20 days, tops). And on top of that, the electronic store we have on base is about the size of a bathroom, and stocks almost nothing less than a year old. Combined with the fact that I'm in Germany with no car, basically means I cant get a retail version of the game. And I cant have it delievered from an online store because the mail here is horrible. I've actually timed it before, took almost 15 days for a package my family mailed me to get here. So thats not really an option either.
I've found where I can download the client, the 73kb thing that starts the long process of downloading the whole game, I'm guessing? But I havent found anywhere where I can buy a key online. Is there a place where I can do this so I can start playing today? Or am I pretty much out of luck and need to wait a couple months till I can have a shot at playing?
Where do I get GW without a Retail Store?
Kamikaze Cletus
Make an account on https://secure.plaync.com/cgi-bin/plaync_account.pl and then you can purchase a key from that site which you can then enter into the client. It's the main store site for NCSoft who are the publishers of Guild Wars.
Holy smokes that was a quick response. Just created a master account, which when I get my activation code I can use to buy the GW account, right? Groovy. After i get done with this raid I'm going to start downloading GW. Thanks for the help.