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dmg 15-22 req 9
dmg +15% w/enchanted
vamp 3-1
health plus 29
c/o 55 k by: van taf
gold max shield req 11 tactics
recieve damage -2 6% chance
health +38 w/enchnted
gold max shield req 10 tactics
recive damage -2 w/enchanted
WTS almost perfect gold longsword
<-- IGN
<-- IGN
the b/o for this sword is 80 k if u want it , but u have to make sure u add me
ign: magical maller
ign: magical maller
IGN:Van Taf
IGN:Van Taf
just to let u know there has been a change to the sword, enchntments last longer 15% is not a health plus 29 b/o is 140 k