

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

the guiild of brun


hi all.

this is my first post on this forum so bare with me.

i bought guild wars about 3 weeks ago my main hero is a warrior/monk lvl 12. i have heard that the fastest way to get cash is my farming. can someone please recommend some monsters and wear to find them please!


p.s. if this thread is in the wrong place then please tell me

November Raine

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Pulaski, Wisconsin

(Leader of)The Blue Sentinels [TBS]


well your probably going to want to be lvl 20 before u seriously start to farm, but i am not going to tell you what i would do in your situation. sorry but i do not want some good economic strageties to go to waste


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

the guiild of brun


ok could you suggest any other way of making cash that would be helpful?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Just do missions and quests. Make sure you do as much quests as possible..i make 2-3k a day without any intention of doing so..why? Koz I'm playing the game, misisons and quests and dont really care about stoping to farm somewhere and now I have 28k and i dunno what to do with tem, i guess i'll spend them on new armor, apart from that, I got perfect sundering bow string..which can raise me 60-80k cash whwen i want to sell jsut do your quests and missions =]



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Campbell, California

Legio Imortalii


There really is no fast way. Everything takes time and practice. Just go on throughout the game and you'll find things that you can sell for more money.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

you search the forum because I can guarentee you the are other topics on this.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Sg Knights


Originally Posted by Phrozenflame
Just do missions and quests. Make sure you do as much quests as possible..i make 2-3k a day without any intention of doing so..why? Koz I'm playing the game, misisons and quests and dont really care about stoping to farm somewhere and now I have 28k and i dunno what to do with tem, i guess i'll spend them on new armor, apart from that, I got perfect sundering bow string..which can raise me 60-80k cash whwen i want to sell jsut do your quests and missions =]
Buy skills or cap elites, it is a good money sink now(1k per skill). Buying keys for opening chests will costs you like gambling.



Sig Fairy

Join Date: Feb 2005

Once upon a time..

Originally Posted by bruncase
ok could you suggest any other way of making cash that would be helpful?

Please try to use the search button. Searching for "farming" will give you many many threads on the topic.

Thank you,