Mursaat Tokens, Igneous Humps, Molten claws
After browsing the forums and search, looking at some topics i cant find any use of mursaat tokens, igneous humps or molten claws, is there a collector somewhere that wants any of these? or should i just sell them.
I too have found these many times, sofar i have found no use for them aside from slavaging and selling for a very good 30gp
perhaps in the expantion or another update they will add collecters who want to trade these, however as for right now, i don't believe they have any use.. i could be wrong though
perhaps in the expantion or another update they will add collecters who want to trade these, however as for right now, i don't believe they have any use.. i could be wrong though
Numa Pompilius
Thank you for that, I guess three slots just opened up in my inventory (I'm hopeless with stuff for collectors, I keep everything for ages).
I salvaged a few molten claws and got lumps of charcoal...
Have not found collector's yet though...
Have not found collector's yet though...
Daegul Mistweaver
Originally Posted by Lamf77
I salvaged a few molten claws and got lumps of charcoal...
Have not found collector's yet though... |