What kind of Ele Armor should I get?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


I now want to buy specialized armor > i.e. Hydo, Pyro, Geo or Air.

I've done game upto the mission of Iron Mines. (have yet to do), so thot before i do the mission, i better get the armor I need bkoz of Infusion in the next due mission..but honestly I dunno which one to get...My personal fav. is Geomancer due to its looks.

But I dont see many ppl using it, any reasons why? Also which armor u'd recommend i'd buy..




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

New York


I personally use the Pyromancer armor on my ele for pVe because I feel like fire damage is used the most & hurts me the most. But it's up to you what you want to use...just try to ID the skills that the ele enemies are using that drop you quick & get that armor....for pvp I use Pyro (because of the fiery dragon sword craze) or Aeromancer.

Personally, I think Hydro is the worst for pve because those skills are more for slowing down than dealing much damage. Geo is more equal defense/dmg, and the fire and air attributes are more damage-focused. *shrug* that's just the way I figure it.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Dolorous Stroke [DS]

I, like most Eles, use Pyro armor for PvE. After Thunderhead Keep, you'll be headed to the Ring of Fire--plenty of fire damage there for the Pyro armor to protect against.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Pyro for pve.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Hell's Precipice

I'd just go for whatever you think looks better. It's not that important to have specialized armor for certain elemental damage types. Elementalists should be in the back and not getting hit much anyways.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Canada...... Eh!

But the Drok's armor isn't really that expensive. Why not a suit of each? Of course that would only really be feasable if we had a special bag in our inventory to hold multiple suits of armor. As for my ele, I went with pure looks. Out of all of them I thought that the air ele set looked the sexiest on the female model. I dunno, you tell me.....

(Lol, the pic on the left looks like she's trying to cut a fart! I know I've had that look on my face before.)