wtf is a edge bomb?

matt mesmerator

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005



I keep on seeing people talking about a edge bomb.what is it?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

THE University of Michigan


Edge of Extinction, a nature ritual. Whenever something dies, it does damage to creatures of the same type. Used in Tombs to screw over the winning team by killing people so they can't get the prizes.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


basically when u put this spirit up and lots of people are dying at a rapid rate expect to feel the pain of it

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

When a team about to lose in HoH while everyone is alive... they put down edge of extinction, and from the timer running out... everyone that lose dies, which cause a 16x 14~43 dmg killing everyone... result, the winner can not recieve the chest from winning HoH.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

I have the ultimate sucide build involving EoE and Unyielding Aura and 7 sucide necros and 1 E/Mo. 1 Necro has to have a ranger secondary who can drop a maxed EoE (Or a R/Ne who can sucide). 1 other person has to haev a hard res (restore life or such). What you do is have all 7 people sucide and be ressed by UA (or do a UA chain were you have a N/Mo who has UA and resses some people with it after himslf being ressed with UA). Have all the necros run into battle and death nova themselves. Next have the R/Ne or Ne/R drop the EoE. Then have the E/Mo or Mo/XX turn off UA while staying out of EoE range. Death Novas will do about 90 damage from each member (which drops some people) and EoE will spike with 7 deaths happening at the exact same instant. Thsi will start an EoE chain with the other team's deaths and I have yet to see any team that could survive agaisnt this build. Res and repeat against each team.

You will never flawless a team but I guarentee that you will drop them and they will call it a hack. The beauty of using a E/Mo or Mo/E is that you can then go and gank the other teams prist/ghostly hero before they res.

I won HoH 7 consecutive times with this build and we died because the E/Mo got in EoE range.

That is a real EoE bomb: granted it is more of a nuke.