Couple O' Questions ^_^

Viscount Bear

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


Hi peeps

2 quick questions here, would be very grateful if these could be cleared up

Firstly, I have a starter sword, starter axe etc in my bag, which i'm not going to use and they're taking up valuble space. I can't seem to sell them to any merchants or drop them on the floor, any idea how I get rid of them lol?

Secondly, I've finally got the Ascalon armour set (the cheaper set, with not as good stats, but hey it's better than the starter stuff :P).

Im currently wearing a "RinBlade" stats etc are in screenshot. I'm level 8 and in some of the quests i've done i've been given axes with better stats than this RinBlade, but I'm training swordsmanship, so the axes are no good - therefore I've been salvaging them (hopefully the right thing to do).

Is this sword good enough for my level, and where can I get a better sword. I got this RinBlade from a merc in pre-searing Ascalon but I can't find any mercs selling swords now and none of the quests I've done seem to give any.

Any help would be fab

Edit: Now that I've got the Ascalon armour, I need to get rid of the Ringmail armour, but I can't salvage or drop it either lol?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Hell's Precipice

To get rid of the starter equipment, drag them over to that trashbin icon on the right side of your bags.

The sword looks fine to me for the Ascalon region. You'll find better swords as you progress through the game.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


you can drop it while in an instance, just not in towns/outposts



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

Quebec, Canada

Followers of the Faith


its a decent sword for starters, i say keep it until you stop dealing with the charr (dont wanna reveal the story line~)

if you look at your inventory, just above those equipment bloxes, a bag, blet pouch, and 2 more bags. at the end is a trash can of sorts, just drag n drop all unwanted items there and they'll be destroyed magically

and if you're ingame now i can hook you up with some of that neato 150 gold per piece armor from corwen (if thats the right npc)




Join Date: May 2005


1. Open your inventory - look for ther icon of a "bin". This icon should be on the same line where your backpack and beltpouch are, but on the far right side. Drag any items you want to "delete" without selling or dumping off into an instance. You'll get a popup thing asking if your sure you want to delete the item permanently or not.

BTW you can't drop anything on the ground when your in a city, but you can in a mission/explorable area - this includes starter gear iirc. The only thing you can never drop on the ground are pre-order items..

2. As for the weapon, use it till you find better. Don't waste gold buying off a player, just play the game and you'll get better weapons from either drops or quest's.

For where you are in the game that sword is just fine. Nothing wrong with it really. Just keep playing and you'll get better as you go further into the game.

BTW iirc you can talk to the [Weapons] NPC and he can craft weapons as well as customise them. If your really desperate for a new weapon, try him..

Viscount Bear

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


Thanks for the info guys


I'll give you a PM
Edit: Just tried to PM you (if I did it correctly, lol) - don't think you're online.
I tend to leave myself signed into GW 24/7 and just minimise when I'm not playing.
Ty vm for your offer, I'll be on for 20 mins or so now then I gotta sleep lol



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Sg Knights


The collector in piken square gives a good sword for fighting charrs. You will need to exchange it with 3 charr carving which can easily be found.

Viscount Bear

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by blane
The collector in piken square gives a good sword for fighting charrs. You will need to exchange it with 3 charr carving which can easily be found.
Do you know which quest "unlocks" Picken square. I don't yet have it on my map.

I've done both the Great Northen Wall & Fort Ratnik Charr cooperative missions.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Brisbane, Australia


Just walk there (NW of Ascalon)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Sg Knights


Originally Posted by Viscount Bear
Do you know which quest "unlocks" Picken square. I don't yet have it on my map.

I've done both the Great Northen Wall & Fort Ratnik Charr cooperative missions.
You have to go there by yourself(you won't be teleported after any mission). Some quests lead to piken square, i.e. that quest end in that town. "Supply for the duke" and "Baladin's advance" will lead you there. After passing through the gate, you will find an npc who will lead you the easy way into piken square.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Marhan's Grotto, reminiscing about the good old days when it had more than two people.

Children of Orion [CoO]


With the starter items.
Dunno, salvage them maybe?




Join Date: May 2005


Jakerius - you can't salvage or sell any "Starter" gear. This includes the starter sword, bow, hammer, axe & wands/staves you get in pre-searing along with the armor that your character was originally wearing when you created them.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


U can salvage starter armour...just not the helm I believe.

Viscount Bear

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by Akimb0
U can salvage starter armour...just not the helm I believe.
I wasn't able to salvage any of my starter items, including all of the ringmail armour.

Viscount Bear

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


Hmm, I've just completed the "Supplies for the Duke quest" and it says to see Quatermaster Aada for my reward.

Where the heck is he lol. If I teleport to Ascalon, then go outside he shows up as being outside piken square. If I teleport to piken square he's not inside the town, if I step outside of Piken square he's not on the map at all lol?

Edit: OMG lol ignore this post sorry, was standing right next to him