What's Ganking?
Title says it all.
What is ganking?
What is ganking?
To be ganked (or gangbanged) in GW means to be attacked (and killed quite quickly) by a far superiour number of opponents (i.e. a "gang", like 5 vs. 1).
Lag Hell
Originally Posted by eightyfour-onesevenfive
To be ganked (or gangbanged)
Originally Posted by Lag Hell
Or in non-Gw terms, to be raped by a group of ppl >_>
Lag Hell
i prefer raping
Originally Posted by Lag Hell
i prefer raping
haha, priceless quote
Ole Man Bourbon
Means "gang kill." In other MMORPGs, where you have people (PCs) open to PvP vs enemy factions of other PCs, you see people ganking others by grouping up in large numbers, quickly attacking greatly outnumbered enemy groups (or single persons), and obtaining quick and easy kills vs helpless foes.
Fun to do, funny when done to you.
Fun to do, funny when done to you.

Ah, so now when I'm running across the beach getting raped by Mergoyles and Drakes I can say "OMFGWTF Ganking"
God damn Justicar...<_<
God damn Justicar...<_<
you'll see the term more often in GW referring to a gank of the Guild Lord. basically a team put together made to do nothing but kill the Guild Lord as quick as possible without actualy fighting the other team....
el ganko no bueno
el ganko no bueno
The Unknown Enemy
Oh the joys of trying to take out the guild lord -.- I learned the hard way to take out the people around him first
Lag Hell
Originally Posted by glockjs
el ganko no bueno
>_> <_<