A Remark on the Closure of my Thread




Join Date: Jul 2005

The Wired

Daughters of Ananke


This is not to start a flame war. If you flame, know the admins and mods will pursue you.

In my best judgement I cannot say that I agree with the actions of the Admins in the decision to close my threads. I just can't do it. It doesn't make sense to me.

That having been said, as a site administrator myself, I understand their position in making the decision. I believe that there is enough buffer between myself and the admins to understand this post. This will be my last post regarding the matter, and serves as a point of reference to anyone questioning my response.

As much as I disagree, and believe me, I disagree with all my heart, I feel as though it is my responsibility as an active member to set an example for those who arrive at a time later than I and who have less experience with Forums/BBS than I. The example I'm choosing to set is that though disagreements with site admins and moderators WILL arise (and this is an axiomatic statement), you are bound by their rules here. This binding is not legal per-se, but does constitute the allowance for access to the site.

What that means is that there are three choices you can take, at minimum:Voice your concern privately, or in this case publically (to address the people who share your concern); Silently, passively accept it, and continue about, responsibly; If your disagreement is of such magnitude, you can always discontinue using the site.
I'm choosing option 1. I'm going to transcend any flaming, trolling, or otherwise disobediant, or inappropriate action. As much as that appeals to me, I'm not going to do that. Furthermore, I encourage the people who would do so on my behalf (and I know a few out there), to do the same thing: do not flame or troll. There is still a certain degree of hope:

Because the Admins and moderators disagree with the substance of what I want to post, I will indeed start my own forum on my own, pre-existing website. To avoid spam, I will accept PMs by parties involved and tell them the site.

I will continue to be a member of GWG and be an active, responsible poster.

If you have comments to my post, I do NOT recommend you to flame on this thread. If you want to make a constructive comment, you can obviously do so, but I take no responsibility for what you write, no matter who writes it, and I do not associate with responses that are flames or trolls.

Your zehly



Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2005

Idiot Savants [iQ]

Closed. If you have a problem, PM a moderator about it. Do not start new threads to discuss old ones that have been deleted.
Read the Moderation FAQ stickied above in this very forum if you have further questions.