Is anyone currently selling a sigil? Are the customized for the player that gets them? Whats the going price on a Sigil for a guild hall? I saw an old post that said 1,600 but my assumption is that thats an old price quote--I also saw someone mention that the Sigil vendors were always out of stock, Why is that, I checked every island and PvP char zone--Nothing
Also, as for earning a sigil, can you earn a sigil for a guild hall on the pure-pvp side, or is it only able for the RPG side?
If anyone is currently selling a sigil, my ingame name is Dredth Envok (Hadriel Envok in pvp) and Id like to buy one for a hall if possible, Im unsure of the price at current, but Hopefully someone will help me out with that ;p
3 days of owning the game and my ingame time is already well over 2 and a half days lol, Rushed my arse to lions arch just so I'd be ready to get a GH when the opportunity came.
Anyways, thanks for any and all help in advance.
Edit: also my appologies for not posting this into the Trading section, bit tired as its 6:44am and I've been up playing all night If an admin feels it necessary, move it to the traders area, but otherwise, meh.
Selling sigil?