Ready Checkbox
Blu Vein
What there needs to be is a ready checkbox in towns next to a party members name in the party box. This way the leader knows when everyone is rdy to go. I don't know how much time is wasted asking rdy? rdy? how about now? now? rdy?
This feature is in alot of other online games I play and it seems like an easy implementation as it doesn't have to have any functionality behind it just a visual.
Forgive me if this has already been suggested I did a couple searches and yeilded no viable results.
This feature is in alot of other online games I play and it seems like an easy implementation as it doesn't have to have any functionality behind it just a visual.
Forgive me if this has already been suggested I did a couple searches and yeilded no viable results.
This would be a really nice feature. How about making it impossible to zone/enter a mission unless everyone has clicked the "I'm ready" box as well?
This would be a really nice feature. How about making it impossible to zone/enter a mission unless everyone has clicked the "I'm ready" box as well?
Probably something like this (attachment).
/signed and rated 5.
/signed and rated 5.

This should have been in original release, it's a great party feature.
This should have been in original release, it's a great party feature.
Originally Posted by Blu Vein
What there needs to be is a ready checkbox in towns next to a party members name in the party box. This way the leader knows when everyone is rdy to go. I don't know how much time is wasted asking rdy? rdy? how about now? now? rdy?
This feature is in alot of other online games I play and it seems like an easy implementation as it doesn't have to have any functionality behind it just a visual. Forgive me if this has already been suggested I did a couple searches and yeilded no viable results. |
Mordrin Mandrake
/signed !
Tulkas the Breaker
Just make it where you can check 'ready' , but can swtill start the game if they didn't.
Great idea, simple and efficient.
(On the fence about whether you should/should not be able to start mission before everyone checks their box.)
Great idea, simple and efficient.
(On the fence about whether you should/should not be able to start mission before everyone checks their box.)
Chronos the Defiler
Originally Posted by Blu Vein
This feature is in alot of other online games I play and it seems like an easy implementation as it doesn't have to have any functionality behind it just a visual.
First off, he said there was plenty of games with the system implemented, and for some reason you feel the need to post some anyways?
Secondly, if you read it CAREFULLY you realize h said there wasnt any funcionality to it, only visual, which means that the game would not require the party to all be ready in order to enter a mission area, it would only SHOW that people are ready.
but rather than having some checkmark, why not have a button at the bottom like the "Leave" or "Enter Mission" button which when you press it, your name/health/party bar turns a different color, it would catch the attention of other party members as well, if you are the only name not changed in color you think "o shyt im ready too, oops should have clicked it"
but none the less
/signed, bumped, then signed again
[QUOTE=Chronos the Defiler]Fate, you sir are an idiot, try reading his post again, maybe CAREFULLY this time.
Sir, your trolling skills are incredible. Are you using an elite?
Sir, your trolling skills are incredible. Are you using an elite?

This would be a great feature.
I usually ask the reverse, is anyone not ready / need more time. Wait about 30 seconds worth of crickets when someone yells after you've zoned, you id someone who really isn't paying attention.
This would be a great feature.
I usually ask the reverse, is anyone not ready / need more time. Wait about 30 seconds worth of crickets when someone yells after you've zoned, you id someone who really isn't paying attention.
Blu Vein
Originally Posted by Chronos the Defiler
but rather than having some checkmark, why not have a button at the bottom like the "Leave" or "Enter Mission" button which when you press it, your name/health/party bar turns a different color, it would catch the attention of other party members as well, if you are the only name not changed in color you think "o shyt im ready too, oops should have clicked it"
John Bloodstone
Yes, this has been suggested a few times and really should be in the game. For quests it should only be a reference for the team to know when to start, for a mission it should be mandatory for everyone to click in.
For those that question forcing ready for missions, I reckon it should be this way so that:
1)Trigger happy leaders can't start the mission with people still fixing their skills
2)Idlers can be rooted out before the mission starts
3)If an impatient leader kicks you because you're not ready, chances are that group is going to fail anyway
For those that question forcing ready for missions, I reckon it should be this way so that:
1)Trigger happy leaders can't start the mission with people still fixing their skills
2)Idlers can be rooted out before the mission starts
3)If an impatient leader kicks you because you're not ready, chances are that group is going to fail anyway
fires Scape
this is a great idea.
but make ready turned on by defualt when joining a group, that way if someone is not ready they have to uncheck the ready box and we know they are actualy not ready.
but make ready turned on by defualt when joining a group, that way if someone is not ready they have to uncheck the ready box and we know they are actualy not ready.
I would love to see this implemented in some way (there are tons of greats ways listed just in this thread). I feel like I am pestering people when I am constantly asking "Ready?" "Ready??" "Who's not ready??" And pestering people is a bad way to start with any PUG
I would love to see this implemented in some way (there are tons of greats ways listed just in this thread). I feel like I am pestering people when I am constantly asking "Ready?" "Ready??" "Who's not ready??" And pestering people is a bad way to start with any PUG

The ready indicator is a good idea, however it shouldn't prevent a team from going. This can lead to issues with the less intelligent players. If not all members are ready it should pop-up a warning that the leader has to click yes to.
It could say:
It could say:
Warning: Not all members of your party have clicked ready. This may indicate that some of them have not yet finished selecting their skills and allocating skill points. Are you sure you want to enter the mission? Yes/No |
Originally Posted by Fate
Appearently you sir have never played Gunbound or GunZ. Both of these games had a "ready up" system. Basically, you couldn't start a game until everyone clicked ready. This often would result in problems because people would never click ready and then the group leader would be new to the game and not know how to kick, blah blah blah. Time consuming and annoying. Having a visual indication of ready is fine with me however please god please don't require that a party be all ready before the leader can click 'Enter mission'
So if someone doesnt click ready for like 1 minute in GW, they get kicked out.
But the leader already has a kick button anyway. BTW
Arcane De Farad
/uber-signed. I'd love this.
Nice idea, small and easy to implement...hope we'll be seeing this soon. Btw, what is with all this signed stuff? I can see what it's for - agreeing with the post above - but i've never seen it used before on any other forum. Where did the idea come from??
Originally Posted by Mashu
Probably something like this (attachment).
/signed and rated 5. |
Tom, methinks it came from petitions. If I'm correct, there's a minimum-word/character limit, but /signed allows for someone to show their support without making a whole post, and it probably makes tallying votes easier.
On the contrary why not have the un-ready people's bars white with black text until they are actually ready, when the the bar turns to red again.
Originally Posted by Warskull
The ready indicator is a good idea, however it shouldn't prevent a team from going. This can lead to issues with the less intelligent players. If not all members are ready it should pop-up a warning that the leader has to click yes to.
It could say: |
Well I see no reason not to make it a necessity for all to ready up as well as a need to actually unready as it marks you ready from joining. Let us face it if a leader can hit enter mission and knows how to invite or accept people, they can kick people as easily, the interface requires no /kick ID# command to be used, and some leaders just may not pay attention or realize why someone hasn't readied. Do you really want to waste a slot having someone that will just leave if they are of the mindset to force you to stop, and do you as a member want to be with a leader who does not know how to kick a person before even entering, better to have 7 smart players than it is 8 players and one feels like charging into battle and not backing it up when necessary etc..
Then again, aesthetic is fine as well, since people do ask rdy a lot, it would just make it easier, just pointing out that needing ready to enter is not exactly horrible in Guild Wars.
Then again, aesthetic is fine as well, since people do ask rdy a lot, it would just make it easier, just pointing out that needing ready to enter is not exactly horrible in Guild Wars.