Hello, my clan Havoc Legion is looking for a merger. We have roughly 20 members with about 12-14 actives mostly from NA. At our peak, we ranked in the top 300, but ever since school started for most of us, we have been unable to generate enough actives on peak hours to GvG on a regular basis now.
We as a clan have decided to look for other oppurtunities such as a merger as we have all played with each other for a while now and enjoy each others company.
We are looking for a clan that has the following characteristics:
1. Friendly and open-minded.
2. Has a build inventor. (We lack expertise in this area)
3. Has moderately experienced to experienced players. (We have about 4 players with more then 100% skill and item unlocks on 3 or more classes, the majority has close to 100% skill unlock on 2 or more classes, and we have several people that are more casual players). We don't do much HoH, as we mainly did GvG.
4. Looking for a clan that has roughly 20-30ish members, with at least 75% of them actives (we had a rule in our clan that we kick out members that do not log in for 2 weeks, similar rules would be great!)
5. NA Times.
6. Does not have control freaks or kiddies that run their mouths and cuss and whine.
7. A clan that does not tolerate leechers, free-loaders and pepz that constantly beg for help. My crew is self-sufficient, we have an understanding of each other and we know what it is to be considerate. That being said, we hope that the clan we merge with has players that are still at the "skill-capping" and "farming" stage of the game.
8. GvG is critical, most of the players in general are hungry for GvG, at least 5 matches a week, but if more oppurtunities arise, we'd love to be part of the action.
9. HoH is not critical, but some of us like to HoH too.
10. Should have a 1:5 or a 1:7 ratio between captains and members.
11. Must have Ventrilo or Teamspeak for GvG or HoH or team events.
12. Should have a website to post ideas and such (we have an extensive website @ http://havoc.l2-go.com but we don't mind switching to whatever website will be used)
13. Age is not a problem with us, we have kids as young as 13 and guys as old as 27 i believe. Again, we are very sportsmanlike, respectful and mature pepz. We joke, but we stray away from vulgarities. We know we have some less-experienced players in our guild, and we hope that instead of having l337 e-bums harass and insult them, we are hoping that people are willing to give them a chance to mature and build experience.
1. Well, for one, we'd like to try out all oppurtunities, I'd suggest that clans that are interested in us please contact us at our website: http://havoc.l2-go.com or contact me or my captains and arrange for a hangout at your ventrilo or teamspeak and do some HoH to start off with. We want to give each clan a chance, and a fair trial (about a week or so) to get to know you guys before we commit ourselves. Basically, we want to earn your trust and we want you to earn ours
2. If we do merge with a pre-existing clan, captains should be transferred seamlessly from our clan to yours, its easier to manage people you know, and its a proven fact that the maximum number of people a person can control effectively is 7.
3. The name is not important, again, if its a pre-existing clan that has good standing, we'll merge gracefully into yours. If your clan wishes to seek a merger and wishes to make the clan from scratch, we are willing to unite names or something, etc.
The core members that initially merge with your clan will have immunity to disciplinary action from captains/leader from your clan. They will be tried under our captains. This is not to say that our members will screw your clan up, basically, it assures that no drama is sparked from unintentional disciplinary action.
What I want you to do if you are interested
Please post here what your clan is about, be specific, and I mean it, because if you really want us to be part of your clan, you better give us a good mission statement and a good essay as to why you think we would fit in. Again, we are seeking established clans fromt he beginning of Retail, we are not seeking some sort of PvP coalition that some guy decided to rally together and end up breaking apart a month later. Our clan has existed for about a year and a half now, we are an online gaming guild whose roots are from Lineage 2, where we conquered and owned a castle before some of the members branched off to play Guild Wars.
Leader: Gaiserik of Abyss (email/msn: [email protected])
Captain: Neodragonz Eternal
Captain: Sponge X
Website: http://havoc.l2-go.com
If you contact one of the captains, please tell them where you were referred from (in this case, Guildwars Guru and this post). Thanks
My Clan LF Merger
I'd be willing to give you a look. I run the Knights of the Hokuten [KotH]. We've got a nice mix of players, including some strategic thinkers and build inventors. Last I checked, we had 28 members. Half of which, are usually on daily. We're still a fairly new guild and we GvG as often as we can (when we have enough people on). Also, we've been winning most of our matches. A boost in active players will only enhance that. I'd like to see us GvG more than 5 times a week, if possible. HoH is also a goal of mine. Reading through your criteria, I can honestly say we meet most of it, if not all of it, but I'd like to talk to you about a couple things, when you get a chance. In the mean time, please check out our forum at http://hokuten.org . It should give you a good idea of what we're all about. We may be exactly what you're looking for. This guild is going to go places and you may be worthy of helping us along the way
Whats your Guild Rank?
Currently 1,100 (which is due to how often we have GvG'd), but we are climbing
What luck do I have to find such a thread?
Sorry, let me introduce myself. My name is Shockwave, current leader of Durance of Fate.
A little history of us... DoF was created July 14, 2004. We have been playing since Betas, and have ranked in the top 10 many times. However, when release (retail) came, many of us (as well as other Beta/Alpha Guilds) did not enjoy the forced PvE aspect in order to unlock skills. Because of this many left, and others slowly faded away after attempts. Those who stayed to fight it out enjoyed a plethora of GvG's and Tombs. We have around 150 GvG's under our belt since Retail. We were recently ranked in the high 200's until PvPx weekend came. At that point we GvG'd like crazy and tried off-the-wall builds. As a result we're now ranked 700+.
Our current status brings a little sadness to me. Over an entire year of dedication and hard work, it finally seems we are nearing the end. At the moment only 5-6 active members are on(people who sign on everyday), with another 7-8 semi-active (2-3 times a week). As Guild Leader, recruitment was the first idea to come to mind. But lets be honest... Recruiting is a long and hard process, with little to no success rating. A Merge was the next best move. This very night, I decided to search Fansite forums to find such a guild...
...and then I stumble on your thread. What surprised me was your guild's name. Havoc Legion!? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you guys are an old guild, no? If not old, then we've (DoF) at leasted GvG'd against you guys a couple times in the past. And if memory serves me right, I was impressed with your Guild's performance. Nevertheless, when reading your guild's name two things passed my mind: Respect, and confidence in your PvP experience. This is what DoF needs.
I guess I'll finally just say it, Durance of Fate is interested in Havoc Legion on a possible Merger. Every single "condition" you have stated is exactly what we want and/or have. I'll give you a synopsis:
1.) Check
2.) Double check check (Myself as well as Ex-DoF members who are in high ranked guilds stop by and help with builds. I also post builds every week that I think up. The most successful being the 2 Warrior, 2 Smiters (Pre-patched), 1 Mes/Nec Lingering Curse'r + 3 monks build that got us in the top 200.)
3.) Experienced players can be found here at DoF. I can name at least 3 Players in DoF who are veteran monks since Beta. These 3 can also do multiple classes if the monk roles are already filled. We also have 2-3 ex-members who are willing to play as Guest in any GvGs. We also have 4-5 recruits who are not from Betas, but who are extremely recommended by me in terms of PvP.
4.) This is the only one that we do not qualify in. I'm hoping with your clan's help, we can achieve such feats. And also, a few more days of recruiting will most likely complete us. On a side-note, some veteran DoF members who are no longer active might become active once more if a merger is complete. Again, most people in DoF love the guild, but are inactive because of lack of PvP.
5.) If NA times mean North American times, then DoF should fit nicely. We are mostly Eastern (EST) times.
6.) lol This is a strick rule for us as well. Mostly mature people, ranging from 19-40'ish. (We have one 13 year old. But his maturity rivals adults I know, and is one of the veteran monks from Beta.) In forums, we do like to have fun and crack at each other, but in-game and in Ventrilo (our current voice chat, willing to change if Havoc has a better choice) we are nothing but mature.
7.) Leechers, people who ask for items and rushes? I hate em. Conversely, we do still have a couple people who are not completely done with unlocking skills. I'd say, off the top of my head, we have about 5-6 who still do PvE for skills.
8.) I know this feeling quite well, and DoF members now it too. We are hungry for GvG. We know that this game's true pleasure comes in the form of 8v8 competition. This is my real reason for recruiting/merging.
9.) I myself am not a big fan of Tombs, but if and when GvG gets boring Tombs will be a top choice.
10.) That's the usual case. But don't get to involved in this... We try and treat all members equally. Officers are there for invites, starting GvG's, changing the in-game announcement, etc etc. We can work out the details later if this merge happens.
11.) One of our rules for membership, everyone must be able to run Ventrilo or TeamSpeak with Guild Wars. You don't have to talk, but listening is a must.
12.) Check! Details at the end of the post.
13.) lol Scary, I mirror everything you said in this statement. We joke and have fun, but when personal attacks come in we bring it to a halt. I mentioned our guild varies in age as well, from 13 to 40'ish.
Our website, www.DuranceOfFate.com
Visit us in our forums!
I will post this in Havoc's forums as well just incase. I hope I am not to late for a merge! And sorry for the long post... you wanted detailed, I gave you detailed.
What luck do I have to find such a thread?
Sorry, let me introduce myself. My name is Shockwave, current leader of Durance of Fate.
A little history of us... DoF was created July 14, 2004. We have been playing since Betas, and have ranked in the top 10 many times. However, when release (retail) came, many of us (as well as other Beta/Alpha Guilds) did not enjoy the forced PvE aspect in order to unlock skills. Because of this many left, and others slowly faded away after attempts. Those who stayed to fight it out enjoyed a plethora of GvG's and Tombs. We have around 150 GvG's under our belt since Retail. We were recently ranked in the high 200's until PvPx weekend came. At that point we GvG'd like crazy and tried off-the-wall builds. As a result we're now ranked 700+.
Our current status brings a little sadness to me. Over an entire year of dedication and hard work, it finally seems we are nearing the end. At the moment only 5-6 active members are on(people who sign on everyday), with another 7-8 semi-active (2-3 times a week). As Guild Leader, recruitment was the first idea to come to mind. But lets be honest... Recruiting is a long and hard process, with little to no success rating. A Merge was the next best move. This very night, I decided to search Fansite forums to find such a guild...
...and then I stumble on your thread. What surprised me was your guild's name. Havoc Legion!? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you guys are an old guild, no? If not old, then we've (DoF) at leasted GvG'd against you guys a couple times in the past. And if memory serves me right, I was impressed with your Guild's performance. Nevertheless, when reading your guild's name two things passed my mind: Respect, and confidence in your PvP experience. This is what DoF needs.
I guess I'll finally just say it, Durance of Fate is interested in Havoc Legion on a possible Merger. Every single "condition" you have stated is exactly what we want and/or have. I'll give you a synopsis:
1.) Check
2.) Double check check (Myself as well as Ex-DoF members who are in high ranked guilds stop by and help with builds. I also post builds every week that I think up. The most successful being the 2 Warrior, 2 Smiters (Pre-patched), 1 Mes/Nec Lingering Curse'r + 3 monks build that got us in the top 200.)
3.) Experienced players can be found here at DoF. I can name at least 3 Players in DoF who are veteran monks since Beta. These 3 can also do multiple classes if the monk roles are already filled. We also have 2-3 ex-members who are willing to play as Guest in any GvGs. We also have 4-5 recruits who are not from Betas, but who are extremely recommended by me in terms of PvP.
4.) This is the only one that we do not qualify in. I'm hoping with your clan's help, we can achieve such feats. And also, a few more days of recruiting will most likely complete us. On a side-note, some veteran DoF members who are no longer active might become active once more if a merger is complete. Again, most people in DoF love the guild, but are inactive because of lack of PvP.
5.) If NA times mean North American times, then DoF should fit nicely. We are mostly Eastern (EST) times.
6.) lol This is a strick rule for us as well. Mostly mature people, ranging from 19-40'ish. (We have one 13 year old. But his maturity rivals adults I know, and is one of the veteran monks from Beta.) In forums, we do like to have fun and crack at each other, but in-game and in Ventrilo (our current voice chat, willing to change if Havoc has a better choice) we are nothing but mature.
7.) Leechers, people who ask for items and rushes? I hate em. Conversely, we do still have a couple people who are not completely done with unlocking skills. I'd say, off the top of my head, we have about 5-6 who still do PvE for skills.
8.) I know this feeling quite well, and DoF members now it too. We are hungry for GvG. We know that this game's true pleasure comes in the form of 8v8 competition. This is my real reason for recruiting/merging.
9.) I myself am not a big fan of Tombs, but if and when GvG gets boring Tombs will be a top choice.
10.) That's the usual case. But don't get to involved in this... We try and treat all members equally. Officers are there for invites, starting GvG's, changing the in-game announcement, etc etc. We can work out the details later if this merge happens.
11.) One of our rules for membership, everyone must be able to run Ventrilo or TeamSpeak with Guild Wars. You don't have to talk, but listening is a must.
12.) Check! Details at the end of the post.
13.) lol Scary, I mirror everything you said in this statement. We joke and have fun, but when personal attacks come in we bring it to a halt. I mentioned our guild varies in age as well, from 13 to 40'ish.
Our website, www.DuranceOfFate.com
Visit us in our forums!
I will post this in Havoc's forums as well just incase. I hope I am not to late for a merge! And sorry for the long post... you wanted detailed, I gave you detailed.
A NERD1989
you can join my guild 60+ memebrs a few noobs who lost us gvg a couple of times but i kicked them and we need more memebrs to gvg.
Originally Posted by [DoF]Shockwave
What luck do I have to find such a thread? Sorry, let me introduce myself. My name is Shockwave, current leader of Durance of Fate. A little history of us... DoF was created July 14, 2004. We have been playing since Betas, and have ranked in the top 10 many times. However, when release (retail) came, many of us (as well as other Beta/Alpha Guilds) did not enjoy the forced PvE aspect in order to unlock skills. Because of this many left, and others slowly faded away after attempts. Those who stayed to fight it out enjoyed a plethora of GvG's and Tombs. We have around 150 GvG's under our belt since Retail. We were recently ranked in the high 200's until PvPx weekend came. At that point we GvG'd like crazy and tried off-the-wall builds. As a result we're now ranked 700+. Our current status brings a little sadness to me. Over an entire year of dedication and hard work, it finally seems we are nearing the end. At the moment only 5-6 active members are on(people who sign on everyday), with another 7-8 semi-active (2-3 times a week). As Guild Leader, recruitment was the first idea to come to mind. But lets be honest... Recruiting is a long and hard process, with little to no success rating. A Merge was the next best move. This very night, I decided to search Fansite forums to find such a guild... ...and then I stumble on your thread. What surprised me was your guild's name. Havoc Legion!? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you guys are an old guild, no? If not old, then we've (DoF) at leasted GvG'd against you guys a couple times in the past. And if memory serves me right, I was impressed with your Guild's performance. Nevertheless, when reading your guild's name two things passed my mind: Respect, and confidence in your PvP experience. This is what DoF needs. I guess I'll finally just say it, Durance of Fate is interested in Havoc Legion on a possible Merger. Every single "condition" you have stated is exactly what we want and/or have. I'll give you a synopsis: 1.) Check 2.) Double check check (Myself as well as Ex-DoF members who are in high ranked guilds stop by and help with builds. I also post builds every week that I think up. The most successful being the 2 Warrior, 2 Smiters (Pre-patched), 1 Mes/Nec Lingering Curse'r + 3 monks build that got us in the top 200.) 3.) Experienced players can be found here at DoF. I can name at least 3 Players in DoF who are veteran monks since Beta. These 3 can also do multiple classes if the monk roles are already filled. We also have 2-3 ex-members who are willing to play as Guest in any GvGs. We also have 4-5 recruits who are not from Betas, but who are extremely recommended by me in terms of PvP. 4.) This is the only one that we do not qualify in. I'm hoping with your clan's help, we can achieve such feats. And also, a few more days of recruiting will most likely complete us. On a side-note, some veteran DoF members who are no longer active might become active once more if a merger is complete. Again, most people in DoF love the guild, but are inactive because of lack of PvP. 5.) If NA times mean North American times, then DoF should fit nicely. We are mostly Eastern (EST) times. 6.) lol This is a strick rule for us as well. Mostly mature people, ranging from 19-40'ish. (We have one 13 year old. But his maturity rivals adults I know, and is one of the veteran monks from Beta.) In forums, we do like to have fun and crack at each other, but in-game and in Ventrilo (our current voice chat, willing to change if Havoc has a better choice) we are nothing but mature. 7.) Leechers, people who ask for items and rushes? I hate em. Conversely, we do still have a couple people who are not completely done with unlocking skills. I'd say, off the top of my head, we have about 5-6 who still do PvE for skills. 8.) I know this feeling quite well, and DoF members now it too. We are hungry for GvG. We know that this game's true pleasure comes in the form of 8v8 competition. This is my real reason for recruiting/merging. 9.) I myself am not a big fan of Tombs, but if and when GvG gets boring Tombs will be a top choice. 10.) That's the usual case. But don't get to involved in this... We try and treat all members equally. Officers are there for invites, starting GvG's, changing the in-game announcement, etc etc. We can work out the details later if this merge happens. 11.) One of our rules for membership, everyone must be able to run Ventrilo or TeamSpeak with Guild Wars. You don't have to talk, but listening is a must. 12.) Check! Details at the end of the post. 13.) lol Scary, I mirror everything you said in this statement. We joke and have fun, but when personal attacks come in we bring it to a halt. I mentioned our guild varies in age as well, from 13 to 40'ish. Our website, www.DuranceOfFate.com Visit us in our forums! I will post this in Havoc's forums as well just incase. I hope I am not to late for a merge! And sorry for the long post... you wanted detailed, I gave you detailed. |
Thanks I have given you access to our forums and have registered on your forums. If we can exchange some ventrilo info then I'll get my members to hop on in to your vent server asap and give you guys a try.
It will take a good 2-3 weeks before we commit ourselves to any one clan. We're all long term players and do not wish to clan hop.
As for your recollection of a "Havoc Legion", this clan is different, we played during retail from around June, the other Havoc Legion only played in Beta and quit I believe (think thats why we were able to get the name).
Ah... so you guys have no relation with the Beta Havoc Legion?
About us meeting, give my guild till Friday to set things up. I still haven't brougth the news to them just yet, but will start today. I'm excited about this possible merge, but I understand you guys need to get to know us before considering.
I do hope DoF's activity picks up if this merge takes place. Being the leader, I've been concerned with the lack of members online lately. Hope it all changes soon.
About us meeting, give my guild till Friday to set things up. I still haven't brougth the news to them just yet, but will start today. I'm excited about this possible merge, but I understand you guys need to get to know us before considering.
I do hope DoF's activity picks up if this merge takes place. Being the leader, I've been concerned with the lack of members online lately. Hope it all changes soon.