A vain man seeks assistance!
I have black 15k ascalon..am love every bit of it, almost. That damn helm bugs me to hell. Any suggestions to what helm could look sweet with my current armour when died black?
just go to Ascalon City and buy all the helms... their cheap and u can judge for urself
Originally Posted by Valerius
just go to Ascalon City and buy all the helms... their cheap and u can judge for urself
Now to the OP, might I recommend the Fissure helm?
Gustav Gloomp
wat helm looks good with the dragon armor?
Nothing looks good with dragon armor. Sorry
most of the dragon armor looks cool, except fore the helmet, it looks like a bat head, i hate it
Fenix Swiftblade
the FoW warrior helmet looks great. It'll cost more than the rest of your armor combined, but IMO it's definitly the best looking warrior helmet. If I'm remembering right there should be pictures of all the FoW armor in the community works section of these forums. (Along with with items you need to make it)
Originally Posted by Gustav Gloomp
wat helm looks good with the dragon armor?
I feel that the ascalon helemet looks good with dragon armor.
Ascalon is a spikey armour, do ya think FoW helm would suit it? And yes all 15k helms are an option. The norm/15k platemail helm looks pretty cool but might mess with the flow of my armour.
sorry... it was late and i wasn't thinking straight... forgot Warriors have tons of styles of helms to chose from...
but anyways... yes... the FoW helm looks awesome
but anyways... yes... the FoW helm looks awesome