21 Sep 2005 at 21:32 - 3
Sundering Storm Bow of Enchanting: 14% dmg Enchanted, 20% longer Enchants, 10/9 sundering req 12.
Skeleton Shield: Max, +6 vs charr, +24 always req 13 tactics
Shadow Shield: Max, dmg-2 stance, armor +8 vs trolls req 11 str
Insightful Air Staff: Armor +5, Energy +5, Improves Casting Speed +8%, req 11 Air
Defensive Fire Staff of Defense: Armor +5, Armor +5, Improves Casting speed +9% req 10
Defensive Shadow Staff of Enchanting: Armor +5, Fire skills recharge 19% faster, Enchants last 18% longer, req 12 earth
Insightful Shadow Staff of Fortitude: Energy +5, Health +24, Improves Skill Recharge +8% req 8 air magic
Cane: +3 Energy ^50 req 10 domination
Shadow Staff of Defense: Skill recharge illusion magic +15%, casting speed smiting skills +16%, armor +4, req 10 divine favor
Holy Rod +4 energy enchanted, req 10 divine
Vampiric Half Moon of Enchanting: 13% dmg ^50, 4/1 vamp, enchants last 15% longer req 8
Vampiric Half Moon of Enchanting: 13% dmg ^50, 4/1 vamp, enchants last 15% longer req 13
Sundering Half Moon of Fortitude: 13%dmg ^50 10/8, +22 health req 13
Poisoners Short Bow of Marksmanship: 13%dmg ^50, poisoners, +1 marksmanship 19% req 9
Sundering War Hammer of Warding: 14%dmg ^50, 10/7, +4 vs elemental, req 8
Hale Water Staff of Death Magic: Improves Casting Speed =10%, +1 deathmagic 18%, +16 health req 9 water magic
Hale Air Staff of Enchanting; +17% enchants, +26 health, Skill recharge +9% req 13
Defensive Accursed Staff: Armor +5, casting speed +8% req 10 curses
Hale Earth Staff of Defense: Armor +5, +24 health, casting speed +9%, death magic recharge +19% req 10 earth
Truncheon: casting Speed +10% req 10 blood magic
Truncheon: Skill recharge =18% death magic req 9 blood
Deadly Cesta +3 Energy ^50 req 12 death magic
Air Wand: Skill Recharge 9%, req 9 air
Crippling Spatha of Swordsmanship: 13% dmg ^ 50, +1 swords 13%, lengthens crippling effect, req 10
Also have Gold Shadow bows, nothing great but 1k each. alos other misc gold items nothing special pm me if you have something you are looking for. Lots of good stuff.