I was just wandering if there is a point to gaining experience after your character has reached lvl 20, ascended, and got all the skill points they can.
Missions still offer a lot of experience such as UW, FoW and now the Sorrows Furnace quests. But what is it now for. Is it purely to brag about so you can show off to others how sad your life is because you've played the game 24/7 for the past 5 months (like me )
One thing I have noticed tho which is just a theory. Drops in this game are poor. They are for me anyway. I dont normally get much good stuff. I'm now playing with my 4th character, still waiting for that first black die drop and superior vigor rune. Anyway...I noticed when I was farming in Gwenths Footprint that my character just hit 500,000 experience. Withing 2 hours of playing I got 4 purple items, 2 Golds, and 3 Greens.
I sold the 2 greens and gave the 3rd away to a Guild mate as they never got anything and I felt sorry for em
My question is, does hitting a 100,000 experience mark give you a brief reward of cool drops? Because apart from that I dont know what experience is really for. I see a mission that gives 10,000 xp as a reward and I think. err whatever.
Experience after lvl 20??
Satire Elexus
I like to unlock alot of alternative secondary profession skills, experience and the resulting skill points are always welcome to me.
If you don't need any more skill points, experience is rather useless at level 20.
Never have enough skill points. Changing secondaries requires even more if you want to capture all the elites.
A NERD1989
yea its pretty lame that you can only go to level 20 and there is still tons of quests after level 20 i mean instead of getting more xp you should get gold or somthing from the rewards from completing questd
Yes, but why get gold, or even drops for that matter? I don't have a lot of cash compared to a lot of people, ((around 40K) but don't need it. I don't even bother picking up stuff anymore unless it's either a gold or purple item. I haven't done a lot of sorrows quests yet but I've yet to get a green drop. However even if I do, why bother picking it up unless it's some type of uber item?
Which brings me to a couple of questions. Just what is smiting and skill capping? I"m not really a noob, but keep hearing these things and have no idea. And also like the original poster said, it does seem that XP doesn't mean much after level 20. Maybe someone could explain this stuff for me? I've been playing the game for about 3 months now and have certainly gotten my moneys worth, and still love the game after more than 380 hrs, but the economy in the game seems a bit lacking. Trying to sell something on the trade channel is a joke, and I don't even try to do it anymore. Really, what good is cash in the game?
What am I missing?
Which brings me to a couple of questions. Just what is smiting and skill capping? I"m not really a noob, but keep hearing these things and have no idea. And also like the original poster said, it does seem that XP doesn't mean much after level 20. Maybe someone could explain this stuff for me? I've been playing the game for about 3 months now and have certainly gotten my moneys worth, and still love the game after more than 380 hrs, but the economy in the game seems a bit lacking. Trying to sell something on the trade channel is a joke, and I don't even try to do it anymore. Really, what good is cash in the game?
What am I missing?
A NERD1989
nothing the games over pretty much. if you wanna keep farming and that you can but otherwise yuo havent missed mcuh
Originally Posted by fezz47
Which brings me to a couple of questions. Just what is smiting and skill capping? I"m not really a noob, but keep hearing these things and have no idea.
Smiting is just that - use of skills from the Monk Smiting attribute. Comnbining combo's of skills from the Smiting attribute line to deal waves of holy damage to critter's. So a "smiter" is someone whose build/strat relies on using smiting skills. Just do a search on these forums for "Monk Smiter" or "E/Mo smiter" or "smite build" or something along those lines, you'll get loads of smite builds which will show you how they work.