A noob question yet again
My question is noob but before buying the game i wanna know if u have a monthly fee? Cause most mmorpgs have them which i find idiotic since u pay for the game and then u have to keep on paying
No monthly fee
I suggest you read this thread: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=581
I suggest you read this thread: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=581
The no monthly fee is the first and most interesting feature of this game, isn't it?
Whosa Skylore
they have no monthly fees but to make it up every 5-6 months they will come out with an expansion, it is not mandatory and you can play with out it but everyone will want to
Yeah, thats is proabably the BEST thing about Guild Wars. It is so freakin' awesome WITH OUT CHARGE! All you really have to do to get information is looking at the information here or looking for similar questions on the main site for Guild Wars. Go to the FAQs and see if you have any questions that match tehres. Trust me, you will. I am sure all that information is here too, but check otu Guild Wars' main site at, www.guildwars.com. Who woulda thought.