skill points confuing


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Lords Of Mayham


What Ive done is add superor runes to inporve my sowrdmanship it is 15 now<but my hp droped to 455 to 485 depending what sword I use> What Iam looking to do is have a warrior with high skill points.Right now on my skill points.for strenght , it says I need 15 more availble attribute points before I can increase my rank in this attribute,and I need 2 more attribute points for tactics and i got the spells types as well.So how can I work it so I can increse the points??I already know when uu reach level 20 you dont get anymore skill points,but how the heck can you increse it??You have 6 u can use <depends what weapon you using>Iam using the sword only so you can take away the hammer and axe.What whould be the best setup to make my warrior a killing machine and all that stuff???I never can figger out the best way to set it up right



Join Date: Aug 2005

Your post makes almost no sense. I assume you have leftover attribute points that you can't use? Have you gotten the 30 Attribute Points from the 2 15 point attribute quests? It's fairly common to have an attribute or two left over that just doesn't fit anywhere.

Your HP dropped because the Superior Rune carries a -75 max HP penalty. you can offset this a little with a Superior Vigor.

The goal of the warrior is not to be a "killing machine and all that stuff"


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wrath of Tyria


You can still gain Skill points when your lvl 20..Infact after lvl 20 it takes less exp to gain a Skill point...but you can only get a Max of 200skill points....The rest of your question was kinda confusing....So i cant answer that for ya.

Silverax Bowmaster
Drakar Lifetaker



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Campbell, California

Legio Imortalii


There's a difference between skill points and attribute points.

There is a total of 200 attribute points. You probably have 170 right now, and the other 30 can be achieved by doing two quests.

To help you out more, you got to be a bit more clearer



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Silverax, you are as confusing as stacey_stacy1 is.

First off, there is a difference between attribute points and skill points. Attribute points have a max limit of 200, and you put those toward attributes, like Strength, Axe Mastery, or Tactics. This link explains it a lot better than I could:

Skill points you get one for each level up you do, and every 15,000 experience points once you reach level 20. You spend skill points to get skills.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Lords Of Mayham


What quest is that you talking about??Ive done most all the quest there are a few here and there but what ones are you talking about ???i do have the 200 max points already as well



Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by stacey_stacy1
What quest is that you talking about??Ive done most all the quest there are a few here and there but what ones are you talking about ???i do have the 200 max points already as well

then you did the quests that give you the last 30 attribute points. Maybe listing out your build would make it easier for people.

Attributes: 200
Sword: 15 12 + 3(sup rune)
Strength: ??
Tactics: ??

Left over: 6(??)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Lords Of Mayham


ok right now i have it set up like this
tactics 8-minor rune
strenght 12-minor rune
swordmanship 15-superor rune
as far as for curses ,death magic and blood magic ive not put anything in it right now
the rest reads as this level-20 ,rank-0 ,skill points 10,frame-0, faction balthazar-30,attribute points-5, my xp is at 441,720 XP dose that help in the infore u need ??



Join Date: Aug 2005

so you got 5 extra attribute points...I'm not certain what the problem is..



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Sg Knights


Originally Posted by stacey_stacy1
ok right now i have it set up like this
tactics 8-minor rune
strenght 12-minor rune
swordmanship 15-superor rune
as far as for curses ,death magic and blood magic ive not put anything in it right now
the rest reads as this level-20 ,rank-0 ,skill points 10,frame-0, faction balthazar-30,attribute points-5, my xp is at 441,720 XP dose that help in the infore u need ??
So your attribute distribution is
Tactic - 7 +1 (minor)
Strength - 11+1 (minor)
Swordmanship - 12+3 (sup) ???
That's not possible. Because 7,11,12 will be a total of 202.
So I assume you use a duelist helm for sword. Then it will be 7,11,11 and it will result in extra 18 pts left. So what is your base attribute setup (take out runes and hats)?
May be you can use this to calculate.
Disclaimer: That page is not mine. One of the forumers here developed it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Lords Of Mayham


BLANE i took off all my armor,weapons i use and the shield so now it saying this
strenght 11/down 16/up 20>cant click on this one at this time
tactics 6/down 6/up 7>cant click on this one at this time
swordmanship 12/down 20/ and the up is blank u cant click on it at all now
blood,death,curses,axe hammer is 0,there is no down and has a 1 for up but that is because ive not used them yet i will not be using axe hammer skills at all being i use a sword but i can and will use the other ones the spells onesi was gonna try and use the points on the other 3 things


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Lords Of Mayham


well i know u only get so many points to use and so u have to spread them out beteen the stuff u have and the runes and stuff will add a few points to each one depending what u want to use like spells and so on




Join Date: May 2005


blane - it appears that stacey_stacy1 is using a +1 tactics helm, which explains why they have 8 in tactics with the minro rune of tactics.

Adding up what they just posted they are using 195 attribute points, with 5 left over. So they have the full 200 points, no more, no less.

stacey_stacy1 - you only have a maximum of 200 attribute points. 170 gained purely from getting to level 20 and 30 gained when you complete 2 quest's (15 per quest).

The only way you can adjust your attributes is to either lower one to get more points for use on another attribute or use a helm which gives +1 to that attribute or use runes which give +1/+2/+3 to that attribute.

If I was you, just toss those extra points in curses and bring along a curse which helps you out *shrugs* or blood for a blood spell.. With only 5 points your not going to get much anyways (level 2 in fact) so you won't gain much anyways.. so probably just best to forget those points - only way your going to use them is either lowering an attribute to spend points elsewhere or use them on other attribute points to get a small bump on the skills in that attribute (which won't make them worth using anyways).

but it all depends on your build and what skills your using.. if you have space and don't mind twinking your attributes a bit.. why not put some in curses and smack some cursed love on critters?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005



heros journey and a desert quest i forgot name O.o



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


Limburgse Jagers


i would like to know where to do the other 15 point quest , i did heroes yadda yadda from vanya. the other one???

Caelus The Fallen

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Voice of the Darkness


You could switch your tactics helm for a swordsmanship one, then take a level out of swordmanship (bringing it back to 15) and put 1 level into tactics (bringing it back up to 8), doing this will be more efficient as higher levels are more expensive, and you should use the free bonuses on your helm on your highest level attribute. Do this, and you'll find yourself with more attribute points left over (18 I believe).



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Knights of Immortal Blood (KoiB)


I think the town in desert is destiny's gorge, about 80 % sure