This build is working towards sacrificing health and spamming dark aura... While healing myself with taste of death and regaining mana with mantra of recall..
9+1+3=13 Death
9+1=10 Curses
4 Soul Reaping
8 Inspiration
Dark Aura
Animate Bone Minion
Death Nova
Veratas Sacrifice
Mantra of Recall {E}
Taste of Death
Blood of the Master
Please tweak this build, this is more PvE than PvP... But i think it could work fairly well in PvP...
Verata's Ressurection
Medico Monk
Dovi the Monk
first of all your only useing verets sacrafise, and youd need to be close or dark aura will just hurt u and not enemy. My solution bring touch of agony and dark pact too. Most teams will have a monk willing to help u out if your dealign crazy damage, or bring soul feast, tase of death would help too if you r to make minions after battle. Id reccomend taking out blood of the master for soul feast, fainthardness for touch of agony, and mantra of recall for dark pact. I know no elite : 0. But sitll this will work pretty good i think...