Unfortunately I cant save screenshots or my guild wars crashes, so ill just post the stats here, starting with weapons (all max dmg):
Hammers :
-Furious Summit Hammer of Fortitude/ req 9/ 12>50/ Dbl Adrenaline 9%/ Health +26
-Furious Summit Hammer of Hammer Mastery/ req 8/ 20<50/ Dbl Adrenaline 10%/ +1 Hammer Mastery 19%
-Sundering Summit Hammer of Shelter/ req 12/ 12% dmg in stance/ a.p. +10/9% /Armor +7
Axes :
-Sundering Summit Axe of Enchanting/ req 12/ a.p. +10/10%/ Enchants 17%
-Great Axe of Enchanting/ req. 9/ 6-28 dmg/ 19% ench
Swords :
-Crippling Flamberge of Enchanting/ req. 12/ 12% dmg while enchanted/Lengthened Cripple duration/ 15% enchant
-Furious Falchion of Enchanting/ req 9/ 15% while enchant/ double adrenaline 7%/ 15% enchant
-Vampiric Gladius/ req. 12/ dmg 20% < 50/ 2/-1 life stealing
-Cruel Fellblade of Warding/ req. 13/ 14% dmg in stance/length deep wound/ armor +6
Bows :
-Poisoners Flatbow of Fortitude/ req 11/ 15% in stance/ length psn/ health +29
-Vampiric Recurve bow of Defense/ req. 13/ dmg 15%<50/ 3/-1 life steal/ armor +5
-Shocking Flatbow of Fortitude/ req 13/ dmg 13>50/ health +26
-Shocking Composite bow of Warding/ req 13/ 15>50/ armor +6
- Poisoners Half Moon/ req 9/ 14>50/ length poison duration
-Vampiric Ivory Bow of Defense/ req 8/ 13% in stance/ 4/-1 life steal
-Sundering Horn Bow/ req 12/ dmg 13% always/ -5 energy/ a.p. 10/7
Staffs :
-Cane/ Req 13 Illusion/ energy +14/ energy degen 1
-Hale Air Staff of Warding/ health +29/ armor +6/ 8% skill rech
-Hale Holy Staff of Enchanting/ cast speed 8%/ enchant 15%/ health +26
-Smiting Rod/req 12 smite/ +5 energy > 50
-Smiting Rod/ req 9 smite/ +14 energy/ energy degen 1
Upgrades :
Perfect Vampiric String: 5/-1 life steal
wts various items
bumpity bump
2k on fell
Levi Garett
Smiting Rod/req 12 smite/ +5 energy > 50
2k on that
2k on that
Artemis Bladewing
15k for perfect vamp string
IGN Artemis The Wolf
IGN Artemis The Wolf
Daegul Mistweaver
9k for the halfmoon
-Sundering Summit Axe of Enchanting/ req 12/ a.p. +10/10%/ Enchants 17%
ign lady cataha
ign lady cataha