Can't seem to learn skills
In post searing world, I talked to the skill trainer in Ascalon City. I'm an Elementalist/monk but he doesn't offer my any elementalist spells, only monk spells... I have the six spells that can be learned in the starting world and nothing else of Elementalist... am I bugged? Anyone know why the trainer won't let me train Elementalist spells?
Xerro Leingod
You go on quest to find more ele skills
Xerro Leingod
There should be some NPCs outside of ascalon city that should give you some quests to go on and for a reward for completeing them they'll give you skills. only some do tho
Take the "Kings Message" quest from Tydus. There is an Elementalist next to the Ambassador you have to talk to to complete that quest. S/he will give you quest(s ?) to learn more skills.
Slade xTekno
If you were previously unaware, the skill trainers now usually offer skills that you may have missed between them. Most skills are now acquired through the completion of quests.
So what point are these skill points i have and do i have to leave the pre searing world to use them ?
Originally Posted by Spike
So what point are these skill points i have and do i have to leave the pre searing world to use them ?
points are valuable for buying skills you may have missed a quest for
very valuable dont waste them on a so-so skill that you might or might not really want or need
ok thanks for the help