For sale is Thorgall’s Shield.
Thorgall's Shield
Armor: 16 (req. 9 Strength)
Received damage -2 ( when enchanted )
Quick recovery from weakness
Starting bid 2k.
Please leave your IGN with any bids. I will check back here from time to time.
I would hope to sell this tonight 21/09/2005 between 7 & 8 EST. I will extend this 1 extra day should there be no bids today.
The bit of 8k was canceled at point of sale. They only posted after to avoid trouble.
Current high bidder is Young Pharaoh at 5k
Have agreed to meet in game with Young Pharaoh. So biiding is closed.
WTS: Thorgall’s Shield - Green Shield
Sir Iceman
Young Pharaoh
5k-Young Pharaoh
ign=Lord Thirdeyeblind
ign=Lord Thirdeyeblind
ill pm you here or in the game if i dont get the sheild