The following items are for sale:
#1. Gold Max Fellblade: SOLD
Req 9 14%^50%
10% Furious
+29 Health
#2. Gold Max Hand Axe
Req 8, 14% always -5 energy
9% Furious
+29 Health
#3. Purple Max Sephis Axe
Req 8, 12% dmg Hexed
9% Furious
+29 Health
These just added also:
#4. Gold Max Fellblade
Req 9 12% always -1 energy regen
10% Furious
+29 Health
#5. Gold Max Fellblade
18% While Hexed
10/9 Sundering
17% Enchantment Pommel
#6. Gold Max Ornate Buckler
Req 8 Tac
+40 Health Enchanted
#7. Gold Max Skeleton Shield
Req 11 Tac
+30 Health Stance
+7 Armor vs. Skeletons
#8. Gold Max Shield of The Wing
Req 8 Tac
-2 Dmg Stance
-2 Dmg Hexed
#9. Gold Max Shield of The Wing: SOLD
Req 8 Tac
+44 Health Enchanted
#2.c/o 75k in game b/o 120k
#3.c/o 35k in game b/o 50k
#4.c/o none b/o 200k
#5.c/o 60k in game b/o 75k
#6.c/o none b/o 35k
#7.c/o none b/o 8k
#8.c/o none b/o 30k
IGN Sir Raleigh/Titleist Longfellow/Pimp In Disguise
WTS Gold Fellblade/Handaxe Purple Sephis Axe
Sir Raleigh
Sir Raleigh
Sir Raleigh