I ask because this game, which I alluded to everyone was a phenominal game, now just plain stinks. Sadly, Anet simply acts like a middle manager to the point of wanting to fire them or at least lay them off and give them time to think about their actions against humanity.
The Ebay money machine was in full swing, this I know. I saw the same people forever selling un-id'ed this and that in the districts (Dissolute Girl comes to mind) and I know it was bot central forever. Rares were so high priced it was simply pathetic at times. But isn't that the point of a "rare"?
Now "gold" items are just plain old items with a different color. It's simply pointless to call them RARES when everyone with a key gets one for the most part. It's not hard to chest farm if you are that desperate for worthless rares (go outside the Granite Citadel alone with a key if you don't believe me). Anet should consider a revision on the description and make it something like "The chest reveals a gold colored common axe!".
I know this was done to curb the Ebay Money Machine, but would it not have made more sense to make the rares HARDER to come by, not easier? So instead of exploring the areas, battling a lot of monsters or completing quests to get really nice rares, instead, all you have to do is spend 1k or less on a key and voila, you have a rare.
I never minded that LA and Ascalon City had a couple of districts devoted to selling. Heck it gave people something to do. And hey, if you got really tired of it all, you could go to town and make yourself a wicked godly weapon for the price of a few 100k. I did it, made myself a nifty staff with +60 health and 20% improve....oh wait, a boss drops this now. And not uncommonly. So now my gold is worthless too.
As an example, I spent about 250k to make my friend a godly weapon, +30 health, vamp 5:1 +15% over 50 etc etc. Low and behold, a couple of weeks late a boss drops the same weapon. What is the point of having pride in a fanastic weapon YOU created YOURSELF just to have middle management at Anet create the same thing and have some pathetically easy boss to kill drop it? I created two godly weapons that are now just a different color and not hard to come by.
Why, Anet, must you persist in destroying such a great game? I can still solo UW, no fix there. I can still roll through most of the game with ease, no fix there. The Ebay money machine is still there, though not as profitable, but still no fix there.
I've gotten a bit off the subject I suppose. I'll get back on it. I am currently in Galveston, TX, helping those who need help and prepping for the new one to come. I've come to the conclusion it's more fun being away from my computer and GW than it is to actually play it and that is 100% Anet's fault, without a doubt. My gold is worthless, my godlies are worthless, my golds are worthless and my countless storm bows are worthless. You took my great game and ripped it apart and for what, to make PVP a little better?
I have two accounts. One is a level 20 monk with a couple other created characters, the other is a level 20 with a couple other created characters. My ele has fissure armor. Anywhere I can sell these?
Can I sell an account?
To answer your question instead of your rant, selling your account is a violation of the EULA and if caught the account will be banned, likely angering the buyer.
if you're leaving the game, can i have all your gold and a few "common" rares? you won't be needing them anyway.
but seriously, everyone plays the game for different reasons. it seems like you played for the sheer status of being "elite" and being able to show off that you have the most perfect weapons. now, you're upset because someone not as rich as you can also get a perfect weapon. you're upset because what you spent 250k on, someone else can get by taking a few trips to the furnace.
the fact is, because the greens are more common, a perfect gold is still a lot more than a green because they're harder to come by. so, in a way, you still have your status. it just gives those with not as much time to play a chance to also get good weapons. and last i checked, chaos axes, crystalline swords, fellblades, and storm bows aren't dropped in the furnace.
we live in an imperfect world. the devs are human too. if you're expecting a perfect game, you'll only be disappointed. the game, as with life, needs you to adapt. roll with the times, or react the way you did and just leave.
so yeah, can i have your stuff?
but seriously, everyone plays the game for different reasons. it seems like you played for the sheer status of being "elite" and being able to show off that you have the most perfect weapons. now, you're upset because someone not as rich as you can also get a perfect weapon. you're upset because what you spent 250k on, someone else can get by taking a few trips to the furnace.
the fact is, because the greens are more common, a perfect gold is still a lot more than a green because they're harder to come by. so, in a way, you still have your status. it just gives those with not as much time to play a chance to also get good weapons. and last i checked, chaos axes, crystalline swords, fellblades, and storm bows aren't dropped in the furnace.
we live in an imperfect world. the devs are human too. if you're expecting a perfect game, you'll only be disappointed. the game, as with life, needs you to adapt. roll with the times, or react the way you did and just leave.
so yeah, can i have your stuff?
Well, why not just not play the game at this time? You might feel like coming back and or try out the chapters later on. You can just let your accounts sit for awhile.
I guess if you are truly leaving the game. Try making a few lowbie characters in ascalon city/Sardelic/etc. happy by giving away items. (ie. quiz/pick a #/ etc. -games to atleast make them work for it.hehe)
I guess if you are truly leaving the game. Try making a few lowbie characters in ascalon city/Sardelic/etc. happy by giving away items. (ie. quiz/pick a #/ etc. -games to atleast make them work for it.hehe)
Originally Posted by striderkaaru
but seriously, everyone plays the game for different reasons. it seems like you played for the sheer status of being "elite" and being able to show off that you have the most perfect weapons. now, you're upset because someone not as rich as you can also get a perfect weapon. you're upset because what you spent 250k on, someone else can get by taking a few trips to the furnace. |