UW solo monks.. soloed forever?



Join Date: Jul 2005

LBS running academy


Do you guys think that there will be a new build for soloing the uw? I'm just gonna use a trapper ranger for now. But will they be nerfed forever? I thought that anet didn't have a problem with people soloing the uw. Well if you have a nice build if you could post here

Oblivion Final

Oblivion Final

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Somewhere crappy

Chicken Fkers Incorporated

Hi all! I'm fairly new to the forum, but I'm a very active gamer, and I love Guild Wars. The reason I posted here is because I want to know something. Why is it that people are always asking for the "New" Monk, Elem, what have you build to solo UW?

Last time I checked, the UW and FoW areas were designed for 8 players. So, why ask for a build that you can use to go in there solo? I know I know, I'm about to get flamed all to hell. But, I can only think of 1 reason you are going into UW by yourself. MONEY. You want to make money. So, if you wanna make money, I think you should work for that money. That means, IMHO, go try builds yourself! If you are lookin to make money, then you need to spend money to make it. If you gotta drop some cash tryin the builds out in UW, then hop to it. I personally like my little mesmer concoction.

But yeah, I just wondered why there are like 15 posts throughout this forum about the same general thing. All in All, my eyes hurt from reading "Solo UW Monk" too many times. It's time to start seein posts on that "Invinci-Ranger". I KNOW YOU ARE OUT THERE!!!




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

Originally Posted by EAT U ALIVE
Do you guys think that there will be a new build for soloing the uw?
There's been one for a while.

To the second poster--soloing = fun and challenge. Nobody has a right to tell me how I should enjoy my game.

Any semi-reasonable individual who's had experience will know that the solo = money argument is a huge error. Considering it takes far less time to go in and come out as a group, and that you get more chests the more times you go in, soloing is -not- a way for people to make money faster. It's a way to be challenged and to try to stay alive (under present conditions).

Though I don't condone asking for the build itself. OP, take my advice and get a good group. You'll get a lot richer that way.

Oblivion Final

Oblivion Final

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Somewhere crappy

Chicken Fkers Incorporated

I totally agree with you that it is easier to make money with the group as compared to soloing. But, this is in regards to soloing UW, and not soloing in general. You cannot tell me that you will make more money in a UW group, as compared to soloing it. It's not possible. You get all the drops in UW, which more often than not includes ecto. If that instance is slated to drop 3 ecto, you get them all. If that same instance is slated to drop 3 ecto, and you are in a group of 8, you have a FAR less chance of getting those drops. UW soloing is ONLY for ecto and rare drops. Which is money making. My only point to the OP is that he was asking about an UNDERWORLD solo build. My response was in regards to that, and nothing else.




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

Sure I can say that soloing is less efficient than grouping. With an effective group (and it's absolutely the person's responsibility to find an effective group) it takes far less time to complete the farming areas of the underworld than it does to solo, regardless of if there's a lucky streak or not.

Consider this: Underworld has at least 2 easily-accessible chests. IF your group can get to those chests 5 times in the same amount of time it takes you to get to one of the chests, then you're already 9 chest items behind by the time you make it. Likewise, if you take 40 minutes to get all 3 ectos in the region as opposed to your group going in and getting 10 total in the same or less amount of time, what's the difference? It's roughly the same considering that getting 3 ectoplasms in one run has about a 5% or less chance of happening at all solo.

So you get all the drops. That's what... 50 dark remains and 40 piles of glittering dust, among mediocre non-max items? One would be lucky to make 1 plat total off of one solo run excluding ectoplasm drops.

The argument is about money vs time, not about money vs runs made. Sure I can get more in one run than a party on the same run. It only takes me about what... 10 times as long?

[btw, I have done and still do the solo run from time to time, I've personally seen the effects of the changes made by anet. All soloing is good for is getting lucky and getting one ecto drop to fund more group runs when you're low on money]

I'm not going to bump this topic, because it's not worth it, but Xue, your statement is basically saying you're right and I'm wrong, with no supportive evidence on either side. Now, I'm not going to discredit yours as easily as you did mine, but it's your word against mine in this case, and I'm fairly confident that while my numbers aren't exact, I've got a good degree of confidence that if you dedicate a group to farming the same areas, using the most efficient set of skills, and working as quickly as a soloer between kills, you'll have a much more efficient group going in and out of the Underworld.

By your argument, I could say that your group was inexperienced and/or didn't have the right setup. There's no proof either way, so I have no reason to believe your argument. Sure if you have 5 tanks and a healer, and aggro running everywhere, you're going to be slow to get through. Assuming everyone knows what to do, and your group kills quickly, I don't see how soloing is any better, unless the build I've been using has been inefficient.

Also, the chests in the Underworld are more reliable than ectoplasm drops, in my experience. I've not seen a smite crawler drop one in ages since the patch.

Oblivion Final

Oblivion Final

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Somewhere crappy

Chicken Fkers Incorporated

Well, theres your prob then. You solo "time to time". The whole purpose of that is to do it repetitively. You don't make money doing it "once and a while". You either do it for that reason, or it is a waste of time. But, we are going off on a tangent that will probably boil down into a flame, so I apologize. This was about the UW monk build, and nothing more. As far as that is concerned, there is no NEW UW solo build. If there is, hope it doesn't get posted anytime soon. I'd like to keep my mesmer.

One and Two

One and Two

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

I solo the UW every time a patch comes out.

WHy? Because, I want to challange myself. I dont care too much about the gold~

Xue Yi Liang

Xue Yi Liang

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Northern CA

Outlaws of the Water Margin


Originally Posted by Lasareth
Sure I can say that soloing is less efficient than grouping. With an effective group (and it's absolutely the person's responsibility to find an effective group) it takes far less time to complete the farming areas of the underworld than it does to solo, regardless of if there's a lucky streak or not.

Consider this: Underworld has at least 2 easily-accessible chests. IF your group can get to those chests 5 times in the same amount of time it takes you to get to one of the chests, then you're already 9 chest items behind by the time you make it. Likewise, if you take 40 minutes to get all 3 ectos in the region as opposed to your group going in and getting 10 total in the same or less amount of time, what's the difference? It's roughly the same considering that getting 3 ectoplasms in one run has about a 5% or less chance of happening at all solo.

So you get all the drops. That's what... 50 dark remains and 40 piles of glittering dust, among mediocre non-max items? One would be lucky to make 1 plat total off of one solo run excluding ectoplasm drops.

The argument is about money vs time, not about money vs runs made. Sure I can get more in one run than a party on the same run. It only takes me about what... 10 times as long?

[btw, I have done and still do the solo run from time to time, I've personally seen the effects of the changes made by anet. All soloing is good for is getting lucky and getting one ecto drop to fund more group runs when you're low on money]
I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say you probably haven't soloed UW before.

Sure, it's a little slower to farm solo but NOT EIGHT TIMES slower - or even five times for that matter. So you presume that a party of 8 would reach a chest "5 times in the same amount of time it takes [a soloer] to get to one of the chests." Where does that figure come from?

I've farmed a hell of a lot - in groups to UW as well as solo - and, I have to say, the proof is in the pudding. I used to farm exclusively with a team of skilled regulars in the UW. I'd have good nights and bad ones just as any other time. But when I started soloing the UW there's no question I was making much much more money per night (in the same amount of time playing).

Until you actually solo you don't really understand how wrong your statement is - It doesn't matter what you theorize in your statements because it simply isn't true. That's why successful soloers in the UW get addicted to UW because it becomes a goldmine. Ask any soloer.

If you want to put it to the test then challenge any soloer - Who can make the most money/best items in a 3 hour timespan?