muleing, swapping items btw characters?

Lania Elderfire

Lania Elderfire

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


I searched for something about this and I can't find anything... Is there a way to swap items between characters or is that not possible? all I can think is the trade function but I dunno if that would even work. :-/

Sorena Mascar

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005



If you want to move items between characters on the same account then have one character place them in storage and then login with the other character and get the items from storage.

If you have 2 accounts do like I do. Login to both on different computers and trade with yourself that way.

Sorena Mascar

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




can the game run 2 accounts simultaneously, ie one in the background (tab+alt) while the other is up?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

In a van down by the river :)

After Dark Club [REAL]


Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
can the game run 2 accounts simultaneously, ie one in the background (tab+alt) while the other is up?

I doubt that unless someone comes up with a "loader" like they did for diablo 2. however if it were a mac based program i would say easily yes it could.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

To the OP:

I'm not sure where you are in the game... but after you go through the academy, all of your characters on the same account will have access to the same storage facility in post-searing. Use that to trade between. There is no mechanism in pre-searing to do so.

My husband and I each have two accounts, so when we decide it's time to mule stuff, it usually takes a while as we log in, trade, log out, log in, trade, etc., using each other to transfer!



Polar Bear Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
can the game run 2 accounts simultaneously, ie one in the background (tab+alt) while the other is up?
not working

i tried to log my acc on a 2nd cpu ... it logged but instantly kicked the 1st one



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Jul 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


The point of logging in on two different machines at the same time is only if you have two different accounts. One account can't, and shouldn't be able to, log into two separate machines simultaneously.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Sg Knights


Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
can the game run 2 accounts simultaneously, ie one in the background (tab+alt) while the other is up?
May be you can try like this.
Log into the game, switch user in window, log in with another window user account, run the gw and log into the game with another game account.
I tried it with window xp on an mmorpg before and it worked.(window xp won't stop programs if you switch user accounts). But it's a bit tidious because I had to keep switching user accounts to make a transaction.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005

New York City

mo zing atm


Okay how about this: If you have 4 characters on an account, but only 1 is post-searing with storage access, will the other 3 characters have access to the contents of storage after youve deleted the only post-searing character? Or will the contents of storage be lost unless at least 1 other character has 'unlocked' the storage in post also?

Amei Leng

Amei Leng

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Left coast

Sleepless In Cyberspace (SIC)

I ahve 2 PC network, 3 accounts. We play the 4 chars on 2 accounts, the third is foe storage. We can pass things between any 2 chars.

Sure have a lot of good stuff in there :-D

Shmash Witdaclub

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


no, the items will remain in storage until you physically remove with one character or the other.

not sure what will happen to storage items if you delete your only post-searing player. I venture to guess that the items will remain since the items are assigned to you globally.

Also, only post-searing characters have access to the storage.

User Name


Join Date: Sep 2005

Originally Posted by mm00re
I doubt that unless someone comes up with a "loader" like they did for diablo 2. however if it were a mac based program i would say easily yes it could.

or someone knows wtf their registry does. Just because Windows doesn't make it painfully obvious that something is possible doesn't mean it isn't. Anything is possible.

1: Prerequisites:
#1: You will need copies of the game (2 accounts) for this to work.
#2: You will be Editing your Regedit.
#3: You will need 2 user accounts under your Windows - Windows XP was used for this.

2: Editing Regedit - Windows User Account 1:
#1: Go to your Regedit by - 'Start > Run > Type regedit'.

#2: You have your Guild Wars installed at a certain location (e.g c:\Games\Guild Wars)
#3: These regs are located in 2 places in your reg database you only need 1.
#4: Export this to your desktop - call it whatever you want (e.g gwregs)
#5: Open the file you exported with Notepad.
#6: Go to your Guild Wars Directory.
#7: Copy what you have in your Guild Wars Directory (you dont need the screenshots folder).
#8: Create a new folder and paste it into a new Folder e.g Guild Wars 2.

#9: You need to create a Second Windows User Account now - This is done under Start > Control Panel > User Accounts.
#10: Switch to that new Windows User Account now by doing 'Start > Log Off > Switch User'. Give it some time to Load the first time.
#11: Go back to the original Windows User Account.

Alright this is the tricky part. We have 1 reg file now called gwregs (#4).

Notice how this file points to the first folder with GW.

We need another Reg file that directs the database to the second "installation" - The folder we created and copy/pasted GW into (#6-#8). Make it like the picture below with notepad.

Notice how this file points to the second folder with GW.

save both your regs files in the second folder with GW.

3: Finishing up and preparing for PLAY!:
By switching user and playing with the regdatabase we can succesfully run 2 instances of Guild Wars at the same time.

#1: Go ahead and delete this in your reg database (regedit) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > Software > ArenaNet **Make sure you have both regfiles saved properly as .reg before doing this**.
#2: Double-Click on your gwregs (first one we made) and confirm to add it to your database.
#3: Run Gw.exe in your original Guild Wars folder.
#4: Switch Windows User Accounts (the one we created in #2:#9).
#5: Run regedit and delete this in your reg database [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > Software > ArenaNet.
#6: Double-Click the second .reg file we created (gwregs2.reg) and confirm to add it to your database.
#7: Run Gw.exe from your second GW folder. It will now give you a notification about choosing your Install directory. Press OK.