Check Out The New Eternaadow Armor Combo:D:P
Check out this new Eternal Shadow Armor combo
Looks pretty cool
Looks pretty cool
T2000. I would like the ability to morph into any of the designed armors. including FoW.plzzz.
T2000. I would like the ability to morph into any of the designed armors. including FoW.plzzz.
Looks like sum1 downloaded the cleint onto a new comp....
Or just a sucky GFX card, which is indeed the case:P
nah, just minimize your GW and stay AFK, then anyone who loads into your outpost armor gets messed
Freedom Fighter NL
And I Got A Good Ge-force Video Card
It happens when you first download the game and try to play...
eventually they will turn back to normal ONCE you download the armor set...
I dont feel like uninstalling then download 900mb to prove the point...
eventually they will turn back to normal ONCE you download the armor set...
I dont feel like uninstalling then download 900mb to prove the point...
/wow. on the 2nd set of screens.
Freedom Fighter NL
That Graphic stuff only happends when is start Media Player , Msn And Internet While Im Playing Guild Wars
i tried the new 81.26 drivers and stuff like that happened to me, check it out
I have a feeling the problem is related directly to Nvidia cards when you minimize the game and maximize it. I own an ATI Radeon X800 Pro and that has never happened to me, and I almost ALWAYS minimize the game to check on a map for a mission.
Afterall, this is an ATI optimized game, so that could most likely be the case. Nvidia just needs to fix the problem directly through a new driver update.
Afterall, this is an ATI optimized game, so that could most likely be the case. Nvidia just needs to fix the problem directly through a new driver update.
Vermilion Okeanos
lol if they give us something good in design + that kind of color for armor... i wouldnt mind spending 1 mil to get it... i think