The only stupid question is the question not asked
hub city slinger
I know this may seem dumb to a lot of people but can someone please explain the terms NERFED, SPAMMING, and ROFL. I love playing this game and reading these forums but I see these terms used often and dont know what they mean. Can someome one help out? Thanks in advance

nerfed refers to when the devs find an area/item/skill in the game that is being abused or is to powerful. such as the spirit Natures Renewal, the skill was too powerful the way that some people figured out how to use it, so the description was changed.
Spamming is when you use the same skill over and over and over and over again in order, as soon as its recharged, you cast it again.
ROFL mean "rolling on the floor laughing"
Spamming is when you use the same skill over and over and over and over again in order, as soon as its recharged, you cast it again.
ROFL mean "rolling on the floor laughing"
Look here next time: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=149
NERFED: the call for or the act of reducing the effectiveness of a skill.
ROFL: Rolling On the Floor Laughing
ROF: Reversal of Fortune ( a monk spell )
SPAMMING: the act of using 1 or 2 spells over and over again due to it's quick recharge time OR the repeated text messaging in a chat channel.
NERFED: the call for or the act of reducing the effectiveness of a skill.
ROFL: Rolling On the Floor Laughing
ROF: Reversal of Fortune ( a monk spell )
SPAMMING: the act of using 1 or 2 spells over and over again due to it's quick recharge time OR the repeated text messaging in a chat channel.
hub city slinger
what or who are the devs? thanks for your answer very helpful
devs are the developers of the game
devs are the people who made this game :P
as for ROFL... it also can stand for "Rock On For Life"
as for ROFL... it also can stand for "Rock On For Life"
Cs Coldize
no it cant you silly valerius.
oh and FLAMING is exchanging mean hearted words.
look above for an example^
look above for an example^
Rock On For Life...I like that
It could also mean Ring Oscar For Lovin'
Rock On For Life...I like that
It could also mean Ring Oscar For Lovin'
Ole Man Bourbon
Rofl means hairy ass in Icelandic.
lol... well... w/e... that's wat i think when i see ROFL
Noob (someone who should know better
Newbie (someone who has no idea and shouldn't know better)
STFU (shut the f$%# up)
Pwned (owned, someone killed you real good or made you look like a fool)
WTS (want to sell)
WTB (Want to buy)
LFG (looking for group)
LFR (Looking for runner)
Runner (someone who will run you places without fighting)
Uber (power, awsome... almighty... etc)
Newbie (someone who has no idea and shouldn't know better)
STFU (shut the f$%# up)
Pwned (owned, someone killed you real good or made you look like a fool)
WTS (want to sell)
WTB (Want to buy)
LFG (looking for group)
LFR (Looking for runner)
Runner (someone who will run you places without fighting)
Uber (power, awsome... almighty... etc)