All about the Damage !!!

Wizard Yingu

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Ok, I know that the Damage Type does not dictate whether it ignores armor or not. The skills do. The question now is which skill and how can I tell them apart?

1. Degeneration skills ignore armor
2. Bane Signet ignores armor (Not sure why or how, because the skill do not say ignores armor)
3. Ob. Flame ignores armor (Said so on the skill)
4. Some Necro and some Monk skills do (No way to tell which)
5. Chaos Skills do (Chaos Storm, Empathy, Backfire... etc)

So, how can one tell which skill does and which skill doesn't WITHOUT prior knowledge of the game and did intense testing? Maybe Anet should do an update of skills to say Whether or Not a skill ignores armor, what do you think?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005



yeah it would be helpful if they did that... the only way now atm is to just go out and test


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005



To the best of my knowledge; Shadow, Chaos and Holy damage ignore armor as well as life stealing or degen. Other than that the spell or skill must specifically say that it ignores armor.

A weapon never ignores armore regardless of damage type ( holy chaos shadow etc)

Noble Knight

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Yeah, holy damage ignores armor.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

Quebec, Canada

Followers of the Faith


holy, chaos and dark damage are based on any target having 60 AL (ergo the same damage to everything apart from undead targets and necros wearing taht weak against holy armor)

skills that say they have armor penetration have it. those that dont...well....dont.

Degen is not actual damage, but damage over time (X amount of hp per second)

also, HP stealing skills of a necro are not based on armor so it has no part in it.

basically armor reduces damage from:
physical damage
elemental damage

damage that isnt reduced by armor:
life stealing
chaos, holy and dark

to answer your question; damage type does dictate whether its based on damage or not.

chaos dragoon

chaos dragoon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Warrior Nation[WN]


also on skills some say that it strikes the opponent for so and so damage.that spell most likely takes armor into effect.others,like banish, say target takes so and so damage.those most likely ignore armor.

just adding to the above post

Sentao Nugra

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Crystal Lake, Illinois

Grenths Rejects [GR]

many of the earth magic damage skills do armour ignoring damage, along with some of the lightning magic

chaos dragoon

chaos dragoon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Warrior Nation[WN]


im pretty sure lightning spells only has armor penatration.and only a few earth skills ignore armor.

Wizard Yingu

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by chaos dragoon
also on skills some say that it strikes the opponent for so and so damage.that spell most likely takes armor into effect.others,like banish, say target takes so and so damage.those most likely ignore armor.

just adding to the above post

That's what I want confirmed, thank you. I didn't say it in my post so I won't influence anyone.

If something does "Holy Damage" it does not automaticly mean it will always do a set amount of damage. Changing your damage type to Holy or using a Chaos damage Rod will NOT ignore armor. All written damage rating on a skill is calculated at max level vs 60 AL. Meaning a 20 point flare means a LVL 20 Ele, casting it on a AL 60 foe will result in exactly 20 pts of damage. IF the foe's AL isn't 60, the damage will not be 20.