Hexes and enchantments and curses and conditions and...


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Dark Angel of Rising Chaos


Does anyone know of a list saying exactly what spells are hexes and which are enchantments, and which are... other?

For example, are necro curses considered hexes? What about blood nova? Is that an enchantment? How about armor of earth, mist, etc.?

This question has been bugging me for a long time, but now I really need to know... because I have a couple staff wraps of enchantment and I wonder if it is going to do anything for my N/Mes.

Conditions seem clear enough and there are lots of lists of those, although I haven't found any list saying which ones you can remove and which you can't (e.g. blindness versus death penalty). Ok DP is an obvious one but what about environmental slowdowns? Why can't you stop and scrape the tar off your feet? Or skip across the frozen soil? :P



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


if you hover over the skill the first words you will read will be like spell, enchancement spell, hex, mellee attack,bow attack, etc... so yust hover over em in game to find out what they are

The Unknown Enemy

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Umm..No response (stalkers, gotta hate them)

Synful Desire [SD]


Well, there is one way to tell, look at the skill description, it'll say the skill/spell name, then if it's a skill, spell, hex, etc. Take empathy for example, it'll be labed as hex spell, meaning it's a hex and spell. Also, if you are to search this sight, you'll find very useful stuff on here, just look at this, http://www.guildwarsguru.com/skill.php click the class for which skills you want, and beside their name, it'll tell if it's a hex/spell/enchantment/blah blah blah.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Dark Angel of Rising Chaos


Aha so it is... I'll make a list and post it here.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by eddycurrents
<snip>Conditions seem clear enough and there are lots of lists of those, although I haven't found any list saying which ones you can remove and which you can't (e.g. blindness versus death penalty). Ok DP is an obvious one but what about environmental slowdowns? Why can't you stop and scrape the tar off your feet? Or skip across the frozen soil? :P
There are several spells for removing conditions. The monk has Purge Conditions for example. The necro has, and I love this one, Plague Sending. You lose 10% total health, but any condition on you now is on every one in the enemy party.

Zhou Feng

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



You know in game Im sure there is a way to set up your skills in a way by type that can also help if you need to know what is what. Obviously it only covers the skills you have at hand.

You cant scrape that tar or skip throught hat ice because its a "magical" effect :P sometimes trying to explain the greater mysteries is impossible. So lets just say it works like "magic."