I have noticed a trend in the all-to-common beggers. People spam to beg for money and materials all the time but do you ever stop to look at what they're spamming for specifically?
Recently I have noticed that many beggers looking for materials are actually begging for materials for 'special' armors (ie. Ascalon, Fur-Lined, etc.). Now let me say that I am MORE than willing to help new players out and I am almost always the first to answer a question or bust up an obvious trade scam but I simply can't believe the gall of people who will beg, in Ascalon, for 75% of the rare crafting materials to craft the specialized armors!
I think that begging for rare materials for 'top-of-the-line' armors (in Ascalon atleast) indicates an inherent greed that to me is displeasing. If someone in Ascalon is looking for armor and is struggling to afford even the cheapest set of armor there then I will gladly give them cash and materials for the whole set. Perhaps it is for that reason that I find it so displeasing to find people begging for 'extras' because it starts to blur the line between those who are truly new and simply haven't learned the game well enough to earn the materials/money and those who's innate greed makes them beg first and try to earn it only as a last resort.
I have now even stopped trying to point this out in the public channel because I have noticed that many players who like to believe they are generous and giving and 'helpers of the underprivileged' will give MASSIVE handouts to these 'Elite Beggers' (as i am calling them) just to spite me. Recently an Elite Begger was given 7 Fur Squares by such a person after I pointed out that he was begging not for what he 'needed' but for what he wanted. Just after the Fur was handed out and the benevolent soul left the district the begger started in on asking for gold and other things.
In life I am a charitable person and I give to charaties that I know help people move out of poverty not ones that simply subsidize them thus locking them into that impoverished class. To put it another way, I believe in a hand up not a hand out and in GW I embody that philosphy by often offering to take people on farming trips and give over all the booty to them while teaching them where to go and what to do to continue to earn money on their own in GW.
I know their are massively differeing opinions on this so I'd love to hear some. Quite frankly though I just wanted to make this post as a bit of therapy and if no one replies at all it will make not an ounce of difference.
at least they are not as bad as scammers
Fenris Wulf
I have a pretty sad incident (That sort of goes along with the greed and laziness of beggers...) as well. I was recruiting for my guild and someone PST said they were interested.
I did a little interview and asked questions about age, maturity, and a couple of questions that tells me about someone. What kind of Music do you listen to, who is your favorite actor, what is your favorite movie.
Because anyone who likes Slipknot, Ice Cube and the movie Too Fast Too Furious might not fit well into my guild or roleplay too well...... (I know this is not the best way to decide if someone will fit into a Guild or not so save your spam flames... it is what I have decided is best and has worked well in the past)
So he joins. He seems new so I give him about 10K and some high end weapons with low Req's to help him out. For the next 6 days he quietly messages people in the guild and asks them for money and items and so on and so forth. Come to find out the guild gave him over 100K and some pretty mice MAx weaps and Materials.
Day 7, He leaves the guild and ignores me.... I ask anyone if they know why he left. No one seemed to know but everyone I asked about him had given him some nice stuff and some nice amounts of cash.
Sad but true..
Just goes to show you... you never can tell with some people. Begger... yes, but i would call someone like that a "Leech" not a beggar... because he was attached.
I did a little interview and asked questions about age, maturity, and a couple of questions that tells me about someone. What kind of Music do you listen to, who is your favorite actor, what is your favorite movie.
Because anyone who likes Slipknot, Ice Cube and the movie Too Fast Too Furious might not fit well into my guild or roleplay too well...... (I know this is not the best way to decide if someone will fit into a Guild or not so save your spam flames... it is what I have decided is best and has worked well in the past)
So he joins. He seems new so I give him about 10K and some high end weapons with low Req's to help him out. For the next 6 days he quietly messages people in the guild and asks them for money and items and so on and so forth. Come to find out the guild gave him over 100K and some pretty mice MAx weaps and Materials.
Day 7, He leaves the guild and ignores me.... I ask anyone if they know why he left. No one seemed to know but everyone I asked about him had given him some nice stuff and some nice amounts of cash.
Sad but true..

I think that ignoring beggars is the best course of action. It's simply another scam perpetrated on the people who play the game.