I recently bought my mesmer the Rogues set of armor (+10 vs physical). However, I noticed that warrriors seem to wield elemental weapons, such as fiery dragon swords. I'm assuming that even though these are swords or axes, these would do elemental damage, rather than physical. Which in a sense, makes +armor vs physical seem not quite so good, if most people are walking around with elemental weapons.
I've heard a lot of people talking about chaos axes, and I'm assuming the reason must be because there is no skill that provides resistance specifically to chaos damage, like there is for fire/air/earth/water/physical. This seems a bit strange, as wouldn't every warrior just use a chaos axe then?
Physical damage / chaos axes etc.
Swarnt Brightstar
nay, it's just called a chaos axe, meanwhile the fiery dragon sword I would assume has fire damage on it, henche the fiery...
Also, the only way it would be elemental weapon would be if it was an 'fiery righteous maul of fortitude' or anything with the name 'fiery' or some other element in the name. Meanwhile chaos axe, is not any other element or different attack other than physical
Also, the only way it would be elemental weapon would be if it was an 'fiery righteous maul of fortitude' or anything with the name 'fiery' or some other element in the name. Meanwhile chaos axe, is not any other element or different attack other than physical
Knight of Eternal Darknes
chaos axes are physical attacks people use them because they look cool to them