how does the HALL OF HEROES work


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

im talking about the map of HALL OF HEROES, the last map, where you win. My group won 4 rounds in a row i thionk, then we lost. We went again, won 1 game, then the next game is hall of heroes. I was extremely confused at hoh .. whats our goal? time ran out and we lost somehow... somebody give me a brief summary of how everything works

P.S : in hoh we killed their ghostly hero, but we didnt get our res signet recharged?


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Watch the cinematic if it is your 1st time there. And, your hero needs to capture the altar.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

how about u explain it to me, i dont wanna listen to the cinematics




Join Date: Aug 2005

my w/mo uses mending, orison, and healing breeze. you cant kill him.

Sand Scorpions [SS]


hoh is very simple. it can be anything from a 1-1 to a 5 team fight.

it follows the same basic outline each time. lets start with the easy case, a 3 way map.

the defending team controls the altar to start. theyre the people that won it before you, and your goal is to control that altar when the time runs out. how do you control the altar? lead your ghost to it, kill the ghost already on it and your ghost will automatically use 'claim resource' to capture the altar.

everyone will automatically resurect on even numbers (8:00, 6:00, 4:00, 2:00), so killing an entire team with 5 minutes to go doesnt guarantee victory.

if its a 4 way map, yellow team gets a free ride to the 3 person standoff. the other two have to fight an eliminatoin style fight. once a team is defeated there, the bridge appears for them and you are back to the 3 way fight.

5 way is the same only now 2 groups of challengers have to fight, eliminating 2, getting you back to the old 3 way case.

if its 1-1, well, its just that. go in and try to kill everyone lol.

because everyone reses on evens, you try to kill their ghostly right after the 2 minute mark. if your teams ghostly dies and you arent controlling the altar you _cannot_ win.

hope it helps ^^


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

what about the part of P.S : in hoh we killed their ghostly hero, but we didnt get our res signet recharged?



Ministry of Technology

Join Date: Feb 2005

Washington D.C.

Idiot Savants


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