iway question
Say we have 2 dead players, and i use iway. thats 20 seconds right? What if theres 2 dead players, i use iway, but they get ressed right after i use iway, does it still apply 20 seconds?
Cloud Stormrage
It will stay as 20 seconds because it applyes to the amount of dead bodies when you used it.
another question : is there a limit to iways stacked time? sometimes thers like 4 allies dead, i use it (40 seconds) and it seems its only 20 or maybe im just trippin?
A NERD1989
where can i get this spells from? or is IWAY a premade char?
Lag Hell
So....hows that rock...
Iway is not a char, its a pvp run with w/r and necros where all the w/rs bring pets and use the skill iway(i will avenge you!) after the pets die to gain a massive boost in atk speed and hp regen
Iway is not a char, its a pvp run with w/r and necros where all the w/rs bring pets and use the skill iway(i will avenge you!) after the pets die to gain a massive boost in atk speed and hp regen
A NERD1989
i know that but where can i get the spell from i wanna unlock it for pvp