Got tired of seeing the same question over and over...
Definition of IWAY Group
A group formed of mainly W/R all with pets and two Necros. There are variations but this seems to be the standard. The Warriors all pack I WILL AVENGE YOU from where the IWAY name derives from. Whenever a pet dies in combat a Warrior may use IWAY to fuel their power. With four-six pets a Warrior can fuel his IWAY for a long time and keep it up almost indefinetly. The build is rather good. So good that people have copied it to the point of nausea. It is criticized by many but the fact that IWAY gets the job done shows that it is effective perhaps lacking in the skilld epartment but effective none the less. Most people who say IWAY suck probably have lost against such a team build, are sick and tired of seeing IWAY :P and/or have NO IDEA how to counter it.
Also it might help to know that not all IWAY groups are good groups. it might also help to know that IWAY might getting nerfed if this trend continues so IWAY Groups abuse the power while you still can .
EDIT: I do not like much IWAY groups because they have little or no use for the services of a healer. Which means no work for me which means not the kind of group I find enticing to me Still there is quite an effective IWAY variation that uses monks. But I forgot the details.
A Definition of IWAY
Zhou Feng
thank you =)
Alcaza Bedabra
I posted a thread in this very section asking what IWAY was, then realized... there's a search button. By now it's been covered exhaustively, and I'm just contributing to the chaos with this...
But it was too late. There's no "delete post" button.
Thanks for the definition, I'll use the search button next time...
But it was too late. There's no "delete post" button.
Thanks for the definition, I'll use the search button next time...
Well I say IWAY sucks because the majority of the time its easy to beat.
The other thing I dont like about it is that its a very easy build to do (doing it well is a bit harder) so everyone regardless of skill level is doing it and Im jsut getting sick and tired of seeing all IWAY people advertising for groups in tombs. I really dont have any problems with new builds I just wish that people would get some more origionality.
Oh and btw thanks to the OP for putting up a good definition for people to look up.
The other thing I dont like about it is that its a very easy build to do (doing it well is a bit harder) so everyone regardless of skill level is doing it and Im jsut getting sick and tired of seeing all IWAY people advertising for groups in tombs. I really dont have any problems with new builds I just wish that people would get some more origionality.
Oh and btw thanks to the OP for putting up a good definition for people to look up.