Edit by Billiard. Please read the "Trade thread general guidelines" about bumping. Do not post until a full 24 hours have past since your original post or most recent post. Edit your post instead to add information or answer a question. We do this so that everyone has an equal opportunity on the sell forum. Please wait 24 hours before creating a new thread.
Flamberg of fortitude req 9
15 over 50% health
27 health
Shocking Gladius of Enchanting req 10
19% longer enchants
Posioners Long Sword of Warding req 10
15% always -1 health regen
7 armor vs elemental attacks
3:1 vampire sword hilt
10:10 furious sword hilt
Sword Pommel of Swordsmanship +1 20% chance
Bowgrip +29 health
Smite rod req 8
14 energy -1 regen
14% faster cast of smite skills
Healing ankh req 9
12 energy
+45 health while hexed
Insightfull smite staff of defense req 11
+5 energy
quick recovery from deep wound
+7 armor vs physical
Protection icon req 11
armor +5
-20 health
+12 energy
Deadly Cesta req 8 death magic
+5 energy enchanted
10% faster recharge of all skills
Truncheon 12 blood req
+12 energy -1 regen
Truncheon req 8 blood magic
(10-20 dmg)
+5 energy while enchanted
Grim Cesta req 7 death magic
12 energy
armor +5
health -20
Earth wand req 8
11 energy -1 regen
6% faster casting of all skills
20% faster cast and recharge of water magic
+5 energy
+30 health
Flints artifact req 9 water
water magic +1
+!2 energy
20% faster recharge of water magic
Illusion cane req 12
15 energy -1 regen
Illusion cane req 10
+5 while health below 50%
Domination cane req 13
+4 energy while health above 50%
all items are max dmg except the one truncheon
15>50% flamberge 9 req and TONS of caster weapons
I'll bid 100k on:
Divine rod req 11
+5 energy over 50% health
10% faster recharge all skills
Divine rod req 11
+5 energy over 50% health
10% faster recharge all skills
70 k on flamberge
bump for today
2k on Truncheon +4 energy while enchanted
30 K long sword
bump for today- make an offer I am closing the sale today
Noble Knight
5k for the gladius
IGN: Noble Knight
IGN: Noble Knight
Originally Posted by zankoku
I'll bid 100k on:
Divine rod req 11
+5 energy over 50% health
10% faster recharge all skills
Hmm, is this item listed for sale actually?
Divine rod req 11
+5 energy over 50% health
10% faster recharge all skills
Hmm, is this item listed for sale actually?
fianl bump. No the divine rod has been sold already
5k on 1st deadly cesta
31K longsword
IGn vAN Taf
IGn vAN Taf