Differences in weapons...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

Venom Fang


I know the different bows have different strengths (distance, refire rate, etc)
but what about swords, axes, and hammers?
Does a fellblade move faster than a flamberge? Does a summit hammer hit harder than a ball hammer? anyone know?

I've searched the forums, but only get the bow thread.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005


all swords are identical with a 1.33 speed and whatever their damage is
all axes are identical with a 1.33 speed and whatever their damage is
all hammers are identical with a 2.0 speed (about 75% sure on that, might be 1.75)

basically, you're just paying for rarity/looks on things like Fellblades and Sephis Axes. Just use what you find available unless you find a specific look you like.