How Do You Make Gold Fast?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Campbell, California

Legio Imortalii


Just to let you all know, the best way to get money is what is easiest to you. You really can't tell a person who farms most of the time that running makes the most money, or vice versa. It depends on what you prefer to do, and how well you do it at. Like I said before, there is no fast way. It takes patience. And trying again, and again, and again, and again...and again...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005




Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

near SF, CA

Originally Posted by BeatWolf
Without getting too far off topic, I have heard rumors of bot-sweat-shops making profits via Ebay. Essentially, workers are paid pennies a day to keep multiple bot clients up, running, and farming gold at all times. My friend bought 100k from a such a seller for a mere $6.00 USD before he realized how the gold was actually generated. The seller arrived late, and for the inconvenience caused, he threw in an extra +100k on top (200k total) -- all for $6.00 USD. Talk about insane...

PS: Nope, I don't E-bay... kinda kills the purpose of playing the game, if you know what I mean.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Boston, MA


Originally Posted by Fun loving gamet
Any suggestions on a good war/mo build and where to farm at?
By Nyax Soulreaper

Warrior/Monk Farming Build for Nearly Anything


I'm sure many of you know this build, but I am going to show you guys and gals who don't know the W/Mo farming build. Mine is slightly modified, as I try to get the best results as possible. This build works in many areas, but I prefer just doing griffon runs in the desert, or troll runs above Droknars Forge.

I DID NOT completely come up with this build alone, I got most of my ideas from a couple sites, all I did was enhance it, as the person who started this build didn't use the "best" skills.

There are (number) Headlines here to sort the Thread into groups. I hope it helps.

Your "Must Haves!"

-You must be level 20, however it is possible to do this without being ascended (doing the two 15 attribute point quests), yet there's a very high chance of dying each run.

-You Must have Droknar's Forge armor, if you haven't been there, ask for a run at Beacon's Perch for 2k, people may run you.

-You Must be a W/Mo, as you need your high defence. You will always die now and then, even with my "near-perfected" build.

-You Must have the listed skills and attribute points, however if you are not ascended, u may lower your smiting a bit, I will also show you the lowest they are able to go.

-You Must have 25 energy or higher, I recommend having the set of armor I will also show you (although it may look stupid )

-You Must practice this daily to get it right.. It took me a few hours to perfect it, well it shouldn't take you that long (I hope)

-You Must have a decent axe! (preferrably max dmg, but not manditory)

-You Must always have at least 5 energy after casting the enchantments.

(I will add more "Must's" when I notice I am missing one)

Skills and Attribute's

-These are what I recommend, however my axe and shield have the Lowest requirements, except the shield is one higher than the real lowest. If you have a high req shield and axe, I warn you to never raise the axe mastery above 9 or so, as the extra damage you get off from your axe isn't very important, but the extra defence from your shield is.

The above picture is what I use, so don't get all worried if you can't get the certain runes or attribute points etc. Healing however CANNOT! I repeat, CAN NOT! go below 8! Your axe Mastery and Tactics you may want to keep around the 8 region. Don't bother with any other attributes that are not there, as they are not important, and don't worry about strength. Smiting should stay around the same or maybe a bit less than healing prayers.

Here is the breakdown of attributes:
8+ healing
8-10 smiting
8-9 axe mastery
8-9 tactics

And, here are your skills!

If you have trouble seeing the image in any way, I will list them:
-Cyclone axe must
-Bonetti's Defence must
-Healing Hands (not must but very highly recommended: I mean VERY highly)
-Vigorous spirit must
-Balthazars Aura (not must, but beats the crap out of anything else!)
-Zealots Fire (could use Symbol of Wrath if wanted - not must, you can use any other skill you want, but this speeds the process up.)
-Live Vicarously must
-Mending must

^^Above skills listed are the most recommended by me. Have any ideas or enhancements you may post. Thanks.


As I have said earlier on, I recommend Gladiators (Drok's or 15k sets<I use 15k) to get the 25+ energy. If you do not use Gladiators armor, you may use a focus item, however I do not recommend that, as you wont get extra defence or the mods from the shield that I DO suggest. But, you may get extra energy which is a good thing (of course).


As far as runes go, I suggest having one of each warrior attribute that we use in this build. MINOR -axe mastery, tactics and maybe strength if wanted.
I also suggest using Majors-Superiors for Warrior Absorption and Vigor. I only used Major because I didn't want to spend too much, only on the weapons and the armor itself without runes.

Axe and Shield


Yes in this picture I look stupid ^^, but the Knight's armor helps absorb more damage, maybe just use the boots. The runes also may look like they are in a stupid order as I have a minor and major absorption, but that is only because I had previous armor already with those runes on (so dont judge me )

The axe and shield are very suiting for my farming. The axe i found during farming with the 15% damage+ while enchanted, I just added the vampiric haft and enchanting grip. These weapons have possibly the BEST upgrades for this situation. Also, if you haven't noticed, the axe has a low req, aswell as the shield. Anything "While Enchanted" is very good for farming, because there isn't any way to lose them inside the desert (maybe north of Drok's but not near trolls is there a shatter enchantment).

I'm quite sure that has covered everything from equipment and needs for the build, so we now go to the process.

The Process

This is the where I will tell you what to do so you don't get confused on what to do. Okay, first thing's first: Griffon/Minotaur hunting in the Desert

The 12 Steps to farming in the Desert!

Step 1-Map Travel to Augury Rock if you are not already there. Leave Augury Rock to Prophet's Path (west entrance/exit)

Picture -

Step 2-After you have left, cast Live Vicarously and Mending

Picture -

Step 3- (PART ONE) Start gathering up the Griffons and Minotaurs for Part 1. Referr to the map "Step 7" if you don't know the direction or where to go. Also try to avoid Rockshot Devourer's. They can be annoying and distract your skills, but it won't occur often. They are easily shaken off after a minute or so of running.

Picture -

Step 4- Here is where the killing begins. You must have 5 or more energy right now, or else get all your equipment right. When you are in the circle, you will be losing health dramatically. Use "cyclone axe" after you have stopped and the griffon's are surrounding you.

Then, when Bonetti's Defence is charged (should be charged in a blink of an eye) use it, when you have 25 energy or more, cast "Balthazars Aura" and your energy will dip, but quickly go back up (because when u cast Balthazar's Aura, you lose 25 energy but Bonetti's Defence stops when you have finished casting the skill) after you have 25 energy or more again, cast Vigorous Spirit, then Healing Hands, then Zealot's Fire. You should hopefully have 5+ energy. Then cast cyclone axe again, then Bonetti's Defence.

NOTE: After every Cyclone Axe, cast Bonetti's Defence when it is charged. Also: Never lets your energy dip below 5 unless you rather have: Healing Hands on, Bonetti's Defence is fully charged, or you aren't taking much damage. If none of these occurs and you aren't getting adrenaline for your Bonetti's Defence, hope for the best and attack a random target with a normal attack (to gain adrenaline).

Picture -

Step 5- Keep spamming Balthazars Aura, getting full energy and adrenaline until everyone is dead (using Cyclone Axe, Bonetti's Defence and Balthazars Aura) - only with one exception: Never try killing the Monk boss; Screamingclaw (I believe). Kill the Featherfist Boss as shown, he will be the last to survive from the group (if he is there)

NOTE: You must (well it help a lot) if you have at least 5 energy before going in to Part 2. Step 8-9 has a solution if you do not have energy after Part 1.

Picture -

Step 6- Congratulations! Part 1 is finished! On to Part 2. (give yourself a pat on the back! )

Step 7- The map of Part 1 (use for referrance)

Picture -

Step 8- Low on Energy! > Oh well, on to Step 9, the solution. You may skip 8-9 if you have read once before. You must read if you have not seen this yet even though you may have a good amount of energy.

Picture -

Step 9- Solution to losing energy! (below 5 energy after Part 1)

Picture -

Step 10- Now on to Part 2! Start gathering the griffon's again, referr to step 13 for the Part 2 map if you are lost/confused.

Picture -

Step 11- Repeat steps 4 and 5.

Step 12- Congratulations! Now go out there and get rich!

Picture (map here for part 2)-


And you are done. After a long post here I hope I have been a huge help. This should contain all the information you must know.