I've been away
Anything new happen in the last month or so?
Guild Wars wise? Updates that have made a big impact on me:
New quests. New Areas. You need keys for chests now. Gold and purple items have a greater chance of popping up in larger maps. Guild invitations = 100 gold.
New quests. New Areas. You need keys for chests now. Gold and purple items have a greater chance of popping up in larger maps. Guild invitations = 100 gold.
It'd be best to read here:
User Name
Originally Posted by Alone)
Guild Wars wise? Updates that have made a big impact on me:
New quests. New Areas. You need keys for chests now. Gold and purple items have a greater chance of popping up in larger maps. Guild invitations = 100 gold. |
Nope, keys aren't worth it at all. I never buy them, just when I farm I eventually get them.
Darkside Revenge
Originally Posted by User Name
I'll be posting an in depth analysis of keys later this evening hopefully(about 8 hours from now)....but in short the Keys aren't even close to worth it.
Sir Skullcrasher
New updates and more changes to Guild Wars.
(i.e. Sorrow Furnace)
(i.e. Sorrow Furnace)

Originally Posted by Darkside Revenge
Says you maybe...i've gotten some really good items off those keys....made a lot of extra money off those chests while griff farming.
I think he might be talking about buying the keys not being worth it. I farm griffs too, and I eventually get keys from them.
I only use the keys I find, but never buy keys to use cause the profit from the item found is usually less then the cost for the key. Kryta keys are worth 100g for dropped ones, cost 200g to buy one. Average sale value of item found from a kryta chest... 65-160g is my average.
hmmmmmm.........something big has happened recently, a really big update..........hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, oh yeah, SORROWS FURNACE
User Name
Originally Posted by Darkside Revenge
Says you maybe...i've gotten some really good items off those keys....made a lot of extra money off those chests while griff farming.
it's not me saying I don't like them...it'll be solid proof that in the long run they aren't worth purchasing.
Yeah, but every once in a while, you get something worthwhile. I got a rune of minor tactics from an Ascalon chest, which was worth a nice bundle. The real way to make profit off keys is to sell stuff to other players. Good stuff is so common now though that demand isn't that high. All the more reason for an auction house like system to be implemented.