Don't ask, but the new update seem to have messed up dryder's defence.
Now wands and bows hit me when I put it up. Fix.
Dryder's Defence = Doesn't work against ranged attacks
Seems fine to me. I tried it outside yaks bend just now.
I did however have an issue with gladiators defense yesterday. It kept getting broken by lowly charr at the ashes place....i never knew they could break stances.
I did however have an issue with gladiators defense yesterday. It kept getting broken by lowly charr at the ashes place....i never knew they could break stances.

Mighty Blow?
No, wild blow.
Legendary Battousai
yeah i was using it too and it was constantly letting me be hit... it seems to be 25% instead of 75
Yep the charr everywhere use wild blow which ends your stance.