A W/R Build.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005

Shit...I forgot...really


Hello everybody im new to the forums, altho I browse through them often.

I was just wondering what everyone thinks about this PvE build that I've been wondering about the past few days. I've noticed a few builds that are quite similar but none the same.

Here it is.



The attributes don't really matter ^^ because i can't be bothered to do the math =P

But it would be,



Sup. Vigor
Sup. Abs
Sup. Swords
Min. Wilderness Survival
Min. Strength


Sever Artery - Nice degen, low cost.
Gash - Ouch.
Galrath Slash - Damage, nice and simple.
Final Thrust - Nice spike.
One Hundred Blades {E} - Great adrenaline charger.
Dryders Defence - Nice defence skill for when things get rough.
Troll Unguent - Use right after Dryders Defence to maximize your chance of using it successfully.
Apply Poison - One Hundred Blades. . .

Thanks all!

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


The sword combo is the standard...

However... Your warrior won't matter since his attributes won't matter... I'm not going to say more unless you put up stats... One thing is for sure though, 12+1+3 swords means you become more than just a nuisance on the battlefield, come up with more stat #'s and I'll get back to you.