So I've been playing guild wars for about a month, and having a great time. Still am. But I've noticed a lot of things being "nerfed" and I feel a bit left out on what others have done before. Why do the nerfing when other people already have some advantages?
ie. Farming. Those who have farmed a lot before are more set than I am. When I started farming, I was getting golds and purples now and then, now it's just...horns and wings.

This gets frustrating because what I want to buy is now a bit more unreachable. And to those who have farmed and saved up before, is set. I don't know what they really accomplished in nerfing the drops from farming, but I just feel a bit left out.
I would like to continue complaining about it, but don't think that's the best idea.
What do you all feel about the nerfing? Can any of you post what else has been nerfed? Or any other changes that seem unfair?