I was doing Thirsty River with my Necromancer/Monk, focused on minions and a little bit of Blood love to help the casters with their energy.
While talking with a party that just recruited me I was asked "Do you have Well of Power?"
I respond "No, I do not, that's an elite." (assuming that would be accepted considering the Desert is the first Area in the natural progression of the game you can get one)
What was said next boggled my mind. "Can't find a decent Blood Necro these days."
I'm not sure if this person knew that Well of Power was all the way in Mineral Freaking Springs, or if she meant Well of Blood but the idea that being twinked is being "decent" kind of struck me as funny and kind of sad.
Because Lord only knows I still hate going to Mineral Spring at level 20 with all my attribute points.