WTS-Razorstone-Sephis 15>50 axe
Start the bidding at 150k, b/o 250k
sold one for 300k last night... saw one guy offering 500k... maybe i could lower it
Xan Tritus
wow, that is crazy, i could go and get one frmo the boss and save myself 300k. . .free bump for crazy guy. . .
i sold one for 180K a couple of nights ago. I think razerstone axe might be harder to come by than other green.
free dump
free dump
ok guys, someones buying for 150k, if u want it bid now!
Originally Posted by le91688
ok guys, someones buying for 150k, if u want it bid now!
just go sell it in game.i dont think anyone would bother here.
just go sell it in game.i dont think anyone would bother here.
yeah the raxorstone is hard to come by....the one time it drops it goes to the ele.....and i get some stupid srtifact