W/mo magic is not nice need help



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

9Th layor of hell

The Butchers of Ascalon [BoA]


Hello and good day to all youguildwars gurus. I seriously need some help with this. I'm a level 18 w/mo and can tank pretty good... BUt then the damn hexes and crap comes along and my life drops so damn fast.

Is there something Im missing or do warriors have like no magic defenses. And is there anything I can do to get over this little hump. other w/m have mentioned that i should be tanking better. JUst wanted to know if anyone can help.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

New York


Warriors suck when it comes to hexes. I use a +health, -damage while hexed shield to make up for it a lil, use some stances so you can block 75% of attacks and spam your heal sig. If they're really being a problem, you might consider putting a 'remove hexes' on your skill bar.

I use Mending (with 8 attribute points in heal pray) all the time, which gives me +3 arrows of health regen, maybe consider using that. It depends on what you're going against...some mesmer enemies will remove your enchanting while others leave it alone. But the +3 arrows of regen usually reverse or at least slow down the hex effect. If there's some who strip, you could try using healing breeze instead to counteract the effect briefly so you can use heal sig before they strip it.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005


Warriors have no magic defenses. All that armor that is your CLASS defining advantage is totally negated by hexes and negative degen which ingores armor.

ANET sucks. WTF were they thinking? In order for a warrior to even get into melee range is a feat half the time. And warrior DPS is not all that great. Zero defenses against hexes, they never fail and always do maximum damage unless removed...which simply is not an efficent or plausible way to counter hex degen.

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


If you're a warrior tanking, then it's safe to assume you brought a competant monk on your team to help.

My greatest suggestion would be to bring one or two defensive stances [one of which is Bonetti's Defense], up your tactics to 7+1 or higher, and then bring in a hex and condition killer of some sort in case your monk slips up...

Mend Ailment and Remove Hex are just fine.

If you get interrupted, ah well...

Healing sig should work fine alongside your mend ailment.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

i have tried using stuff like mend ailment and remove hex as a warrior and it just felt way too clunky. I got the most success just focusing entirely on damage and hope a monk is there to help me.

And this is even more so in PVE. In the standard 3 monks in a 8 player group, the warrior shouldnt need to bring no kind of selfheal but just rely on his armor to pile up the mobs sheilding them from the other casters which will allow the monks to focus healing on you.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Standard 3 monks? I always go with 2. It's a good idea to ask the monks if they have hex or condition removal, though. Me? I'm a W/Me right now, so I run around with Shatter Hex. Conditions get me though.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Use convert hexes, remove hex, smite hex



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Clouds

Scars Meadows [SMS]


Originally Posted by Mhydrian
ANET sucks. WTF were they thinking? In order for a warrior to even get into melee range is a feat half the time. And warrior DPS is not all that great. Zero defenses against hexes, they never fail and always do maximum damage unless removed...which simply is not an efficent or plausible way to counter hex degen.
haha warriors with a bad DPS thats funny. i dont know many people who can outdamage a good axe warrior in PvP. warriors are so underated. and everyone is just as vulnerable against hexes as warriors, theres no armor that can make up for -hp regen