Althea's Ashes

Viscount Bear

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


Hi all

I've completed the "Duke's Daughter" quest, where I find Altheas ghost then talk to Duke Barradin.

I've also accepted the "Althea's Ashes" quest. Now, I've noticed that I have a "Barradin Family Urn" (Quest Item) in my bag. Not quite sure where this is from/what it's for.

My question is, If I simply buy Althea's ashes from someone rather than going to get them myself, will the duke accept them, and give me my reward - or do I have to actually go and get them?




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Campbell, California

Legio Imortalii


They will accept. But why buy it from someone? I always tell people to go do the quest themselves because you'll have to fight along the way, getting more exp, getting items, and more gold.

But that's just me. Some people just don't want to spend the time

It is quite a long and tedious trip though. Unless you have someone high level with yah.

Viscount Bear

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005





Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Hou Lan Geng [HLG]

If this is your first time, and it sounds like it is, I suggest you do the quest (i.e. gather the ashes yourself) else you don't get to fully enjoy what the game has to offer.

If its not, it will work. Buy the ashes, and talk to Barradin and it should be complete and you can just throw away the urn.
It worked for me anyway...about 3 weeks ago.
I don't know if still does.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005


I prefer to slay the charr and get the mission the hard way... as it is I think (but probably wrong) the ashes you buy, you still need to take to flame temple corridor to get the "Ashes log update"



Tech Monkeh Mod

Join Date: May 2005

Good Old North East of England


Go from Grendich courthouse, its close by and easier to complete, if you dont know how to get to the courthouse, head north east(ish) from nolani, its a fun trek

The Unknown Enemy

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Umm..No response (stalkers, gotta hate them)

Synful Desire [SD]


The urn is used to collect the ashes. If you are to wait till around tomorrow, (about 2:00pm eastern time) I could help you with this, as my mesmer still needs to do that quest. Just message me (The Unknown Enemy).