I bought new armor, but when i drag the dye over it, nothing happens and the dye goes back to my inventory. what am I doing wrong?
any help would be appreciated.
Unable to dye armor
double click on the dye.
rad. thanks.
Death By Hesitation
LOL. Now don't we feel like an idiot... yet ive been more retarded
actually...no. i don't feel like an idiot. and concidering this is my first day playing the game, and not seeing this in the manual, i'd say it was a fair question.
thank you for the childish remark, though.
thank you for the childish remark, though.
Actually, the info is in the tooltips in-game.
Mhenlo's Leige
We all forget small minor details here and then. There is no need for ad-lib for another persons actions. I'm sure WE ALL did STUPID IDIOTIC things before, no one is perfect so respect other player's questions.
Originally Posted by Mhenlo's Leige
We all forget small minor details here and then. There is no need for ad-lib for another persons actions. I'm sure WE ALL did STUPID IDIOTIC things before, no one is perfect so respect other player's questions.
That's what so cool about these forums, there's ALWAYS drama
Yeah I think it tells you to double click when you rollover it. But I forgive you
i was led to think forums were made for discussion and asking questions, which is what i did. i was unaware this was a place for an online pissing contest. it was a simple question, and had a simple answer. let it go.