See attached image. No minimum bid or reserve prices on anything... I still might try to sell some of these ingame, though (but as a general rule, if I get a decent offer here, I won't worry about trying to sell ingame).
#1- (buyout: 5k)
#2- (buyout: 5k)
#3- (buyout: 1k)
#4- (buyout: 1k)
#5- (buyout: 1k)
#6- (buyout: 1k)
#7- (buyout: 10k)
#8- (buyout: 10k)
#9- (buyout: 500g)
#10- (buyout: 500g)
#11- (buyout: 500g)
#12- (buyout: 1k)
#13- sold ingame
WTS Green/Gold/Purple items of all types that are clogging my storage... Cheap!!
Bump. Added buyout prices... hope it works.
Another bump. No takers?