I think swords should be improved a little to make them a viable alternative to axes in pvp.
There's plenty of ways that this can be done, including fiddling around with sword skills, damage, adren costs, etc.
But I think my personal preference would be to give swords a faster attack speed, rather than equal attack speeds between swords and axes. This might be my personal bias showing - I like looking at fast attacks
Another option I favour is to make the sword-related tactics skills less trash-like. (riposte, etc.)
We can also make Hundred Blades useful enough to justify its elite status. Or make it less useful, and make it non elite. I'd like to see it have a lower recharge time (say, 5 secs), and retain its elite.
Buff Swords! :P
I think adding an elite sword skill that's as good as Eviscerate and Devastating Hammer is all that's needed.
The Red Knight
elite sword attack that does +43 damage and bleeding problem solved D:
sword does more constant dmg. Its just the way it is, Axe is meant to spike. Axe does less dmg overall. Thats why axe skills hit for +42 ad sword skills hit for like +32. bah bleeding sucks. Though it is true sword skills for the most part suck!
or use them in PvE, and axes in PvP
More sword attacks need mana than adrenaline (compared to axes). Keep that in mind.
Originally Posted by Arcador
More sword attacks need mana than adrenaline (compared to axes). Keep that in mind.
And I tried a E/W + sword, I really did. I tried my hardest, and it still sucked :P
I wish ANet would make a melee Elem/Warrior a viable alternative. Maybe give Elems a +Physical damage armour, that costs them max energy?
(and no, earth spells dont cut the mustard.)