Question on DragonSword.
I just bought a Dragon Sword, it said "Fire Dmg: 15-22" Is all Dragon sword damage based on fire? not slash?
Sorry I don't know the answer, but I would like to know how much it cost!
one of the wierd thing about this, the sword i was using before was 10-16 Slashing damage, and i was comparing with 15-22 Fire damage Dragonsword, My damage was lower using the dragon sword, any idea why?
Your opponent might've had a higher resistance to fire/elemental damage than physical damage.
you probably do not meet the requirements for the dragon sword
Ahh, the sword require 12 Swordmanship, and i only have 9 swordmanship. I could still use the sword. I was doing lower damage than the slashing damage 11-16 sword with the dragon sword, does that means if i dont reach 12 swordmanship, i dont get the maximum effect of the sword?
Same for any item. If you don't meet the requirements, it's weaker.
thanks for the replys, it scared me for a sec when i was hitting a char for 6 dmg ;;