Weapon Req/Dmg Question



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Shouldnt a max dmg req 8 axe do the same as a 6-26 req 7 axe, if u max out the axe mastery that is. I know people pay for perfection but just for the damage should it be the same since the axe mastery adds dmg using axes? If I read it wrong please correct me, but I'm thinking that the req should make up for the diffrence in the dmg.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

New Jersey

Idiot Savants

Originally Posted by FCtSteveO
Shouldnt a max dmg req 8 axe do the same as a 6-26 req 7 axe
No, it shouldn't. Why would an axe that does 6-28 dmg do less damage than a 6-26 damage axe (given that you have 16 axe mastery when using both axes)?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Well say you just max it out to 12, and the 26 axe has a req of 7 and 28 has a req of 8. The Req 7 axe has 1 Req less obviously but when you go to 8, the Req 8 axe doesnt change in dmg, but the req 7 axe should gain some dmg since it only reqs 7 but your points are at 8 which would increase the dmg. I know what I typed is a little sloppy are hard to understand , if you dont undertand it I'll try to rephrase it.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

No, having a higher level than the requirement doesn't boost the damage. What does boost damage is having a higher weapon attribute level in general.

At lvl 7 axe mastery:
req 7 6-26 does 6-26 damage (normal)
req 8 6-28 does starter (can't remember how much) damage (very low)

So if you only have lvl 7 axe mastery, the req 7 will do more damage because you only meet the requirements for it.

At lvl 8 axe mastery:
req 7 6-26 does 6-26 damage (normal)
req 8 6-28 does 6-28 damage (normal)

If you have higher than the requirements for both weapons, then the max one will do more damage.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

The axe mastery says that it will increase the damage using axes so at a req7 6-26 with a lvl 8 mastery, shouldnt it do more then 26 dmg, and a req8 max would only be doing 28 dmg with a lvl 8 mastery. I've tested it with swords by changing with attribute level and it seems that it does more damage. Maybe its just me?? Well thx I'll try experimenting and if you have anything to add please do so.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Um no. It deals the damage listed on the weapon, until after 12 attribute levels.
After 12 attribute levels i deals 104% of weapon damage and so on.

The req. doesn't affect it. I have 2 swords and 2 axes both max, with diff. req. and they do the same.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

New Jersey

Idiot Savants

Originally Posted by FCtSteveO
Maybe its just me??
Yea, it's just you. The game mechanics don't work that way.

Tigris Of Gaul

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

So you read Ensign's article, misinterpreted it, spread your gospel throughout Guild Wars until somebody called you out. You finally realized you were wrong, and now you've come here to justify yourself.

Am I close?



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

To sum this all up, weapon damage is a related to the attribute points put toward that skill. The requirement of the item has zero bearing on the damage potential of the weapon.

I think most people use their weapon(and/or offhand) for the bonus potential and not for the damage potential, so the requirement portion is to meet the bonus feature of the item.